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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Spain

ID #1604065516
Added Fri, 30/10/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
03.1978 20:30

Four witnesses, including a 45-year-old man, 2 young girls and an elderly goat herder, observed a bright light descending at high speed from a nearby mountain top in the same area, but the light remains stationary in the area. At this time, a low humming sound is heard. 

In the light of this 45-year-old witness saw a square-shaped ship with a diameter of about 4 meters. The object began to hover about 15 meters away from the witness, and then descended, knocking over the nearest stone wall, and at the same time it was accompanied by a terrible wind that seems to come from the object itself. 

It emitted a very powerful light, and inside, through a transparent section, the witness could see many human-like figures moving back and forth, as if performing unknown tasks. 

The glowing rectangular object remained on the ground for about 10 minutes, and then flew away. 

No footprints were found on the ground. At the same time, witnesses could see the reaction of nearby farm animals and guard dogs, who were very nervous and worried. The ship went at a very high speed towards the Teide Volcano.

Original news

Date: Spring 1978
Location: Cazadores, Grand Canary Island, Spain
Time: 2030
Summary: Four witnesses, including a 45-year old man, 2 young girls and an elderly goat herder watched a bright light descending at high speed from the nearby mountain summit in the same area a similar light remains static in the area. A low humming sound is heard at this time. Within the light, the 45-year old witness could see a square shaped craft about 4 meters in diameter. The object began to hover about 15 meters from the witness and then descends, knocks over a nearby rock-wall and at the same time accompanied by a terrific wind that appears to emanate from the object itself. It emitted a very powerful light and inside through a transparent section the witness could see numerous man-like figures moving about, back and forth as if performing unknown tasks. The luminous rectangular shaped object remained on the ground for about 10 minutes and then left. Ground traces were found. At the same time the witnesses were able to notice the reaction of nearby farm animals and guard dogs which acted extremely nervous and disturbed. The craft left at very high speed in the direction of the Mt Teide Volcano.
Source: Francisco Padron Hernandez


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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