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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United Kingdom

ID #1604250707
Added Sun, 01/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
14.05.1978 20:00
Болота Карлтона и Ултона
United Kingdom

Two young girls were locking up their horses, which they had just finished riding, when they saw a large dome-shaped object hovering above the ground among the trees. 

The object was silver in color and was surrounded by orange lights. The light changed to pink, then to blinding white, and the object began to rise. Then the object descended again, and the light went out. 

Then the two girls noticed four strange humanoid figures walking towards them. Two of them were seven feet tall, and the other two were smaller. Everyone moved in jerks and zigzags. 

The humanoids had no legs, short legs and arms, short black hair, small eyes, hands, ears, and pale skin. All were dressed in orange robes with a silver stripe at the neck. All four creatures were surrounded by a white misty light. 

During the incident the horse rose on its hind legs.

Original news

Date: May 14 1978
Location: Oulton Marshes Lowestoft England
Time: 2000
Summary: Two young girls were locking up some horses they just finished riding when they saw a large dome shaped object hovering near the ground among some trees. The object was silvery in color and was encircled by orange lights. The lights changed to pink then to a dazzling white and the object began to rise. The object then descended again and the lights dimmed. The two girls then noticed four strange humanoid figures walking towards them. Two were described as seven-foot tall and the other two smaller. All moved in a jerky, zigzag fashion. The humanoids were described as having no feet, short legs and arms, short black hair, small eyes, no hands, no ears and pale colored skin. All wore orange colored robes with a silver strip down the neckline. All four beings were encased in a white hazy glow. During the incident horses were rearing, the dogs were howling and cats were running around frantic.
Source: Steve Gerrard, quoting UFO Quest Intl. Vol. # 1, June/July 1979


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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