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In the frame of a Mike Tyson fight I saw "the time traveler"

Added Fri, 27/01/2017
Дата публикации
Sat, 16/04/2016

Researchers of paranormal phenomena recently excited the video of the famous fight with Mike Tyson and Peter McNeely, which was held in Las Vegas in August 1995, reports Inside Edition.

Their attention was drawn outside the frame are unknown to the viewer, who is filming the fight on a device that looks suspiciously like a smartphone, although the first camera phones were released only five years later in 2000.

After this case was written by many Western media, people are scratching their heads trying to figure out what is in the hand of man.

It is precisely known that the video in question, not the installation, since it took from the archives. According to one version of conspiracy, footage of combat are proof of the existence of a time machine, and a mysterious stranger - "time traveler" who returned to the past to watch the match with the favorite boxer.

However, a number of experts suggested that the white device in the hands of the audience could be one of the earliest digital cameras, some of which looked like the picture below.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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