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Spirits. Dominican Republic

ID #1604926537
Added Mon, 09/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Dominican Republic

The creature, which resembles a large black dog, repeatedly maimed small animals such as dogs, cats, chickens and rabbits under cover of darkness and with frightening agility: it made its way into chicken coops and pens, somehow opening the gates without destroying them. 

The locals believed that the otherworldly creature had some kind of" mind " that allowed it to evade all their attempts to catch it. 

Soon, the murderous Ghost dog was joined by an even more terrifying manifestation: a creature that resembles a human female corpse. (In the folklore of the island are mentioned frightening creatures similar to women called "siguapa".)

Those who were able to look at him closely noted that his face "seemed to be covered with cotton wool." The creature was also charged with causing a number of injuries.

Original news

Date: December 1978
Location: Barahona, Dominican Republic
Time: night
Summary: A creature resembling a large black dog repeatedly mutilated small animals like dogs, cats, chickens, and rabbits under cover of darkness and with chilling finesse: it made its way into chicken coops and pens somehow opening the gates without destroying them. Local residents believed that the otherworldly creature had some sort of “intelligence” that allowed it to elude their best efforts at catching it. Soon the murderous phantom dog was joined by an even more fearsome manifestation: a cadaverous being resembling a human female. (Island folklore mentions fearsome female like creatures called “Ciguapas.) Those who managed to see it closely noted that its face “appeared to be covered with cotton”. This entity was also blamed for a number of mutilations.
Source: Scott Corrales, Inexplicata Issue # 10


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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