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Spirits. Canada

ID #1606388460
Added Thu, 26/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Торонто, ON

Larry Drummond, who had been a light sleeper, woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the bedroom door, where he saw what looked like three creatures in the room. 

The bedroom was completely dark, but the hall had a very dim light coming from the lamp left in the living room. This allowed him to see the silhouettes of these creatures, but not their features. They were not ghostly figures, but definitely solid and clearly some kind of living creatures. 

One was standing by the door, another, who seemed a little taller, was standing in the doorway, and a third was sitting on a Laundry basket that also serves as a night table next to the bed. 

Drummond would say that they most resemble the silhouettes of chimpanzees when they stand up, but are somewhat more humanoid and much more slender. 

His wife was fast asleep in the bed between him and the creatures. A wave of terror swept over him, and he buried his head in the pillow in terror, hoping that they would go away. 

As he lay there, he felt a warm electric shock that started in the lower part of his feet and slowly moved up his legs and spine until it reached his head. That was the end of his memories. 

Later, his wife briefly recalled the incident and recalled someone touching her forehead and putting her to sleep. 

(Drummond was involved in other similar incidents.) 

Original news

Location. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Date: Late Summer 1982
Time: late night
Being a fairly light sleeper, Larry Drummond, woke up in the middle night and looked over toward the bedroom door where he saw what appeared to be three creatures in the room. The bedroom was entirely dark but there was some very dim light out in the hall that was coming from a lamp left on the living room. This allowed him to see the silhouettes of these creatures, but none of their features. These were not shadowy figures without substance, but definitely solid and obviously some kind of living beings. One was standing beside the door, another that seemed to be slightly taller was standing in the doorway, and the third was crouching on a laundry hamper, which also serves as a night table right besides the bed. The closest thing Drummond would say the silhouettes resembled would be the way chimpanzees look when they stand up, but somewhat more humanoid and much more slender. His wife was fast asleep in the bed between him and the creatures. A wave of terror came over him and terrified he buried his head in the pillow hoping they would go away. As he lay there he felt a warm electrical shock, which started at the bottom of his feet and moved slowly up his legs and spine until it reached his head, his memory ended at this point. Later his wife remembered the incident briefly and recalled someone touching her forehead and putting her to sleep. (Drummond has been involved in other incidents).
Source: Para-researchers Ontario, Canada


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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