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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Canada

ID #1607888142
Added Sun, 13/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Торонто, ON

Veronica, who lived on the first floor of an apartment complex on the outskirts of Toronto, saw a small ship land in an alley near her window.

She believes that at that time, mass auto-suggestion was used against car drivers in the area. 

The passengers of the liner took Veronica out of the window and said that she was placed in a black limousine. However, the "limousine" took 2 Parking spaces and made a whistling sound. On Board the ship, the aliens removed the "eggs" (eggs?), telling her that they were just studying them. They also operated on her kidney, leaving behind an "implant". 

Veronica had the impression that the aliens were human in appearance, but discovered that they were actually so-called "gray", with large bald heads and large round eyes, creating a telepathic illusion of human appearance.

Original news

Date: 1985 
Location: Near Toronto, Ontario Canada
Time: before sunrise
Summary: Veronica, who lived on the ground floor of an apartment complex on the outskirts of Toronto, saw a small craft of some sort land in the back alley near her window. She thinks mass autosuggestion was used on the drivers of vehicles in the area at the time. Veronica was taken by the occupants of the craft out her window and told she was being placed in a black limo. However the “limousine” took up 2 parking spaces & made a whooshing sound. On board the craft the aliens removed “eggs” informing her they were merely examining them. They also operated on her kidney leaving behind an “implant.” Veronica had the impression that the aliens were human in appearance, but discovered they were actually the so-called “grays,” possessing large baldheads and large wrap-around eyes, projecting the telepathic illusion of human appearance. While captive on the alien craft, Veronica was shown adult human bodies that had been “grown” from fetuses floating in liquid-filled tanks.
Source: Chris A Rutkowski, Abductions & Aliens What’s really going on?


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