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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Puerto Rico

ID #1608134116
Added Wed, 16/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
10.05.1988 04:30
Кабо Рохо
Puerto Rico

Amaury Rivera was driving home alone after work in a thick fog. He was driving slowly when he suddenly heard someone running next to his car. He turned his head and saw a short humanoid with a large white head and large dark oval eyes.

The witness panicked and stopped the car, then he saw another similar creature approaching from the other side of the car, and then he lost consciousness.

Later, he woke up still inside the car in a huge dark metal room next to about 10 other cars. Then another small creature approached the witness and touched his forehead, after which he again lost consciousness.

He soon woke up in a large, square room, accompanied by about 20 other people who had apparently also been abducted. They were all sitting. Two short, gray, thin humanoids with large heads, huge black eyes, and long arms stood watching the group.

Now there was a tall, creature-like man with fair skin and shoulder-length black hair, muscular and dressed in a black suit with boots. He approached the group, giving the impression of a leader, and talked about a lot of things, especially what was still to come. Rivera refuses to talk about many of them.

A few moments later, Rivera passed out again, and then he woke up in his car and was back on the road. He was crying uncontrollably, and then he saw a huge round metal disk above his head.

Several military aircraft appeared to be circling the object. Rivera remembers that he had a camera in his car, and he can take some very clear pictures of the object and the jets before they all leave.

Original news

Location. Near Cabo Rojo Puerto Rico

Date: May 10 1988
Time: 0430A
Amaury Rivera was driving back home alone after work amidst a thick fog. He was going slowly when he suddenly heard the sound of someone running alongside of his vehicle. He turned his head and saw a short humanoid with a large white head and large dark oval shaped eyes. The witness panicked and stopped the car, he then saw another similar being approaching form the other side of the car, and then he blacked out. He later woke up still inside the car in a huge dark metallic room alongside about 10 other vehicles. Another short being then approached the witness and touched him on his forehead, he then blacked out again. He soon woke up in a large square room accompanied by about 20 other humans that apparently had also been abducted. They were all sitting. Two short gray thin humanoids, with large heads, huge black eyes, and long arms stood watching the group. A tall man like being now appeared, he had light skin and shoulder length black hair, muscular and wearing a black outfit with boots. He approached the group giving the impression that he was the leader and spoke of many things and especially of many things yet to come. Many of these, Rivera refuses to talk about. Moments later Rivera blacked out again and later wakes up in his car and back on the road. He was crying uncontrollably then sees a huge circular metallic disc overhead. Several military jets appeared to be circling the object. Rivera remembers he had a camera in the car and is able to take some very clear pictures of the object and the jets before they all leave.

Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 41


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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