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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chronorally. China

ID #1608292445
Added Fri, 18/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
13.08.1987 16:20

At the reforestation center, 62-year-old forester Huang Yongsheng went out to check on his herd of deer during a severe thunderstorm. 

When he opens the door, he sees a dark figure (similar to dark lead) hovering 1 meter above the trees, 120 meters away, it seems to vibrate slightly. 

The UFO lands in a clearing and begins to glow brightly, then it begins to rock back and forth, now the witness could see that the ship was shaped like an inverted bowl. Then two blood-red beams of light come out of the object. One strikes the witness, and at the same time his wife comes out and immediately loses consciousness. The beam becomes smaller and levitates the witness to the object, which has now become transparent and has a diameter of about 5 meters. 

Inside the object, he sees two thin humanoids with gray skin, mouse-like faces (?), pointed ears, very small beady eyes, sharp chins, and very long arms. They have no visible noses or mouths. they're both wearing gray suits. 

the first sat in front, holding the lever. He has a calm demeanor, almost euphoric in nature. The second humanoid appears to be controlling a small box. Obviously, he makes the witness levitate. 

At that moment, Juan sees the screen in front of him and hears a voice in his head, a voice talking about cosmological problems, and the witness, who is illiterate, does not understand what is being said to him. Then he sees images of planetary landscapes. Before returning to earth, he is told that they will return on August 20 and teach him a lesson in"initiation". 

When he returns home, his wife is lying in bed, and he realizes that he has been gone for two days. During the meeting, the witness felt no fear and felt completely at ease. juan felt that only a few minutes had passed. 

On August 20, Juan drives to the rendezvous point, but the aliens reject him, telling him that he has broken his promise not to tell anyone.

Original news

Date: August 13 1988
Location: Hubei, Jiulongshan, China
Time: 1620
Summary: In a reforestation center 62-year old forester Huang Yongsheng had gone out to check on his herd of deer during a violent thunderstorm. As he opens the door he sees a dark shape (like dark lead), hovering 1 meter above the trees, at 120 meters away, it appears to be vibrating gently. The UFO lands in a clearing and begins to shine brightly, it then begins to swing back & forth, now the witness could see that the craft was shaped like a reversed bowl. Then two blood red beams of light come out of the object. One strikes the witness and at the same time his wife comes out and promptly faints. The beam become smaller and levitates the witness towards the object, which by now had become transparent and is about 5 meters in diameter. Inside the object he sees, 2 thin humanoids, with gray skin, mouse-like faces (?), pointed ears, very small beady eyes, pointed chins and very long arms. They have no visible noses or mouths. Both are wearing gray suits. The first one sat in front holding a lever. He has a calm demeanor almost euphoric in nature. The second humanoid seems to be operating a small box. He is apparently making the witness levitate. At this point Huang sees a screen in front of him and hears a voice in his head, the voice talks about cosmological concerns and the witness, who is illiterate, does not comprehend what is being told to him. He then sees pictures of planetary landscapes. Before returning to the ground he is told that they will return on August 20 and will give him an “initiation” lesson. When he returns back home, his wife is in bed and he realizes that he has been gone for two days. During the encounter the witness felt no fear and was completely at ease. For Huang it felt that only minutes had passed. On August 20 Huang journeys to the meeting point but is rebuffed by the aliens who tell him that he had broken his promise not to tell anyone.
Source: Liu Xiaoqiang, CURO, Francois Couten “Les Ovnis en Chine” Circulaire CIGU # 42


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