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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1612885984
Added Tue, 09/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Moskovskaya oblast

A local resident named G. Savina was in her bedroom when she looked out the window and saw a round object approaching her apartment, surrounded by colorful lights. 

The witness closed her eyes as if waiting for the next event, while her little daughter was sleeping on the sofa in the same room. 

After a while, she saw the feet of two "men" standing next to each other. They were wearing tight silver suits. She froze, afraid to move. Then she felt something like a cool breeze around her head. She thought that maybe the aliens were venting her brain (?). 

When she decided to look up, the aliens were gone, and the circular object was slowly moving away from the window. She looked at her youngest daughter, still sleeping peacefully as if nothing had happened. In the other room, her eldest daughter was also sleeping peacefully. 

No footprints were found on the window or on the balcony. But six months after the incident, her young daughter had a significant and intermittent nosebleed (possibly evidence of an alien implant inserted through her nose). The girl was taken to the hospital and kept in the infectious diseases department for a week. 

Around the same time, a witness and her adult daughter reported a nosebleed. Later, the doctor discovered that the witness had inexplicably lost the nasal septum, but he could not explain why this happened.

Original news

Location. Izmaylovo, Moscow Russia
Date: 1989
Time: night
A local woman named G. Savina was in her bedroom when she looked out the window and saw a round object encircled in multicolored lights approaching her apartment. The witness closed her eyes as if expecting the next event, while her young daughter slept in the same room on a sofa. A short time later she saw the legs of two “men” standing near her. They wore tight-fitting silver suits. She became still, afraid to move. She then sensed what felt like a cool breeze around her head. She thought that maybe the aliens were ventilating her brain (?). When she decides to look up the aliens were gone and the round object was slowly moving away from the window. She looked at her younger daughter still sleeping peacefully as if nothing had happened. In the other room her older daughter also slept peacefully. No traces were found on the window or the balcony area. But half a year after the incident there was substantial & periodical bleeding from the nose of her young daughter, (a possibly evidence of an implant in her brain, through her nose). The young girl had to be hospitalized and was kept in the infective disease department for a week. Around the same time nose bleeds were also reported by the witness and her adult daughter. The doctor later found that the witness’s nasal partition was inexplicably missing; he could not explain why that had happened.
Source: “NLO” # 11 October-November 1996


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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