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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Kyrgyzstan

ID #1612886972
Added Tue, 09/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Metal worker V. Bigunyaka was returning home when a bright bluish light suddenly lit up around him, a pulsating light descended over him, gradually increasing in size and changing color to a bright orange-red.

At this moment, an object in the shape of a cucumber with a diameter of 3 to 5 meters landed next to the witness. Begunje froze and couldn't move.

Two figures the size of 10-year-olds emerged from the object. Both of them were wearing silver skin-tight clothing. Showing great curiosity, the two short silver-clad figures slowly began to approach the witness. 

They stopped about 4 meters away from them, staring at the witness, sometimes squatting down and repeatedly changing their position. The figures looked like people with thin limbs. 

The witness tried to shout a greeting, but could not make a sound. All the while, he was falling into a puddle, which was the main source of humanoid curiosity. He could only clap his hands and splash water on the staring figures. 

Soon, the small humanoids, without moving their legs, slid towards the landed object. At this time, the object changed shape, became more rounded, and emitted a whitish-blue glow, which turned into a golden glow. From above, it emitted a thin beam of green light. Apparently, the entrance to the object was in that area at the back. However, the witness did not notice any holes in the object. 

The witness soon regained the ability to speak and move and noticed complete silence in the area. He heard a sound that seemed to come from the back of his head, resembling "ai-ai-ai", and watched as the object slowly rose and hovered over the machine shop building.

Original news

Location. Pishpek, Kirghizia
Date: 1989
Time: late night
A metal worker, V. Bigunyaka was returning home when suddenly a bright bluish light illuminated the area around him, a pulsating light descended above him, gradually increasing in size and changing color to a bright orange red. At this point an object shaped like a cucumber about 3 to 5 meters in diameter landed close to the witness. Bigunyaka grew torpid and was unable to move. From the landed object two figures the size of 10-year old children emerged. Both wore silvery tight-fitting clothing. Showing strong curiosity the two short silver-clad figures slowly began to approach the witness. They stopped at about 4 meters away, staring at the witness, sometimes squatting and changing positions repeatedly. The figures were human-like with slender extremities. The witness attempted to shout a greeting but was unable to emit any sound. The whole time he had fallen into a puddle, which was the main source of curiosity to the humanoids. He could only flop his hands and splash water at the staring figures. Soon the short humanoids without moving their feet glided away towards the landed object. At this time the object changed form, appearing more rounded, and emitting a whitish-blue glow that turned to a golden glow. From the top it emitted a thin beam of green light. Apparently the entrance to the object was in that area at the rear. However the witness could observe no openings on the object. Soon the witness regained the ability to speak and move and noticed a completely silence in the area. He heard a sound that seemed to originate from the back of his head resembling “ay-ay-ay” and watched the object slowly rise up and float above the machine shop building, it became dark and then rocked back & forth before moving away at high speed.
Source: UFOZONE Russia


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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