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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1613234773
Added Sat, 13/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Щелковский район
Moskovskaya oblast

After saying goodbye to her husband, the witness, who was not feeling well at the time, was left alone in the apartment. Suddenly, she saw something moving diagonally outside the window. This something was alien in appearance and was a complex aircraft with a purely technical form. The strange ship vaguely resembled an old steel dreadnought cruiser "Aurora" built in the early twentieth century. 

The woman felt ill and tried to close the balcony doors, but could not. Then she lay down on the bed, feeling paralyzed, when she saw a strange creature that entered her apartment through the open balcony door. 

The creature was about 2.5 meters tall, with brown eyes, four fingers, and wore a strange trapezoidal cape where the genitals (or perineum) should have been. 

Then the entity spoke telepathically: 

"I'm a robot, I'll take you with me, we need your thoughts and consciousness" (!). 

The witness begged the creature not to take her with him and was able to move his hand and touch the alien. The alien's skin was very soft to the touch. The alien then told her that he would return in a year or five, and then pick her up. 

There was a blinding flash, and the alien was gone.

Original news

Location. Szelkovo area, Moscow region, Russia
Date: March 7 1990
Time: early morning
After bidding her husband goodbye the witness that was feeling ill at the time stayed alone in the apartment. Suddenly she saw something moving diagonally outside her window. That something was alien in appearance, and was a complicated flying apparatus of purely technical shape; the strange craft remotely resembled the old steel dreadnought cruiser “Aurora” built in the beginning of the XX century. The woman felt ill and attempted to close the doors of the balcony but was unable to do so. She then lay on her bed, feeling paralyzed when she saw a strange entity that entered her apartment through the opened balcony door. The entity was about 2.5 meters in height, with brown eyes, four digit hands, it wore a strange trapezium-shaped cover on the place were the sex organs (or crotch) would have been. The entity then spoke telepathically, “I am a robot, I will take you with me, wee need your thoughts and consciousness” (!). The witness begged the entity not to take her with him and was able to move her hand and touch the alien, the alien’s skin felt very soft to the touch. The alien then told her that he would then return in a year or five and then take her. There was a blinding flash and the alien vanished.
Source: Vladimir G. Azhazha, Moscow in: M-skiy Triangle Newspaper, Riga


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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