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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1613409216
Added Mon, 15/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Khabarovskiy kray

In the early evening, several eyewitnesses reported seeing two huge objects flying low over the Amur River. Police patrols were called and responded to an area where they saw objects continuing to move along the riverbed.

Another patrol near the city center saw red flames shooting across the square. Later that night, strange messages began to appear.

A woman named Natasha was in her apartment when suddenly a bright ball about a meter in diameter appeared on her ceiling, it floated to the floor, and inside she could see a man-like figure. The opening became visible, and a figure emerged from it. The terrified woman screamed, and everything disappeared. She felt an incredible horror.

Her daughter woke up after hearing her mother's scream and ran into the room, when she opened the door, she felt a strong heat coming from inside, and at first she thought it was a fire.

Her husband saw the corridor suddenly light up, but he didn't see the sphere.

Later, 30-year-old Tatiana R. quarreled with a friend who lived in her apartment, and went to sleep alone in the room. About an hour after she went to bed, she heard her cat meowing outside the balcony window. She got up and opened the balcony door to see what was wrong, when suddenly the cat flew into the room like a bullet and right in front of the window, the witness saw a floating glowing orange sphere, in which something like a glowing portal was visible. Inside the portal, she saw a pale face staring at her. In response to her screams, her friend ran into the room and grabbed a stick, trying to hit the ball. The ball suddenly flared up and disappeared.

In the morning, a young couple found the remains of a charred stick on the balcony. About a third of the more incredible the meeting has not yet been reported. A woman named Galina was watching TV when the screen began to receive unusual interference. At that moment, the balcony door began to slowly open, and then she saw two thin, pole-like legs, raising her head, she saw a strange figure enter the room.

He was very thin and tall, dressed in a dark silver jumpsuit with no seams or fasteners. He had a large head with a high and broad forehead, a sharp chin, no nose, and a narrow, striped mouth. He had no hair, and he had two large white eyes without pupils. His head seemed to be planted squarely on his shoulders. He stood two meters away from the witness and held in one hand a small cylinder that looked like a small container.

The witness was more surprised than frightened, and instinctively began to rise. Then, as if to order her not to move, he swung his right hand, but with the start of the second blow, the witness lost consciousness.

She woke up around 04: 00, the TV was still on, but there were still static streaks on the screen. She felt very dizzy as she tried to get up. When she touched the balcony door to close it, she received a strong, seemingly electric shock.

Original news

Location. Khabarovsk, Russia
Date: March 21 1990
Time: night
Early in the evening several witnesses reported seeing two huge objects flying low above the Amur River. Police patrols were called and responded to the area where they saw the objects continue to move along the riverbed. Another patrol near the center of the city saw red flames shooting over the area. Later that night strange reports began to emerge. A woman named Natasha was in her apartment when suddenly a bright sphere about a meter in diameter appeared on her ceiling, it floated to the floor and inside she was able to see a man-like figure. An aperture became visible and the figure stepped out. Terrified the woman screamed and everything disappeared. She felt incredibly horror. Her daughter awoke to hear her mother screaming and ran to the room when she opened the door she felt strong heat coming from inside and at first she thought it was a fire. Her husband saw the corridor suddenly lit up in a bright light but did not see the sphere. Later 30-year Tatiana R had quarreled with a friend staying at her flat and had gone to sleep alone in a room. About an hour after going to bed she heard her cat meowing outside the balcony window. She got up and opened the balcony door to see what was wrong, when suddenly the cat shot inside the room like a bullet and directly opposite to the window the witness saw a hovering luminous orange sphere, in which something like a luminous portal she could see. Inside the portal she saw a pale face staring at her. Responding to her cries her friend ran in the room and grabbed a stick in an attempt to strike at the sphere. The sphere suddenly flared up and disappeared. In the morning the young couple found the remains of the charred stick on the balcony. A third more incredible encounter was yet to be reported. A woman named Galina was watching television when the screen began to receive uncommon interference. At this point the balcony door began to open slowly and then she saw two thin pole-like legs, looking up she saw a bizarre figure enter the room. It was very thin and tall, dressed in a dark silvery overall without either seams or fasteners. It had a large head, with a high and wide forehead, a pointed chin, no nose, and a narrow strip-like mouth. It had no hair and it had two large white pupil-less eyes. His head appeared to be planted directly on its shoulders. Stood two meters from the witness and held a small cylinder, similar to a small container in one of its hands. The witness was more astonished than frightened, and instinctively began to rise. Then as if ordering her not to move, it waved his right hand but with the beginning of the second stroke the witness lost consciousness. She awoke around 0400A, the television set still on but with stripe like interference on the screen still showing. She felt very lightheaded when she attempted to rise. When she touched the balcony door in order to shut it she received a strong seemingly electrical shock.
Source: X-UFO Russia


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