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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Puerto Rico

ID #1614872294
Added Thu, 04/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
02.04.1995 18:00
Puerto Rico

A group of 15 people, including children and adults, gathered at the top of a wooded hill to spend the night camping. While the children were playing, Mrs. Ana Torres and another woman noticed something standing near the tree. 

Ana threw some rocks at him, and he started to move. They then noticed that it was a short, gray-colored humanoid, 3 feet (0.9 m) tall. Startled, the two women started shouting and calling for the others. 

Other witnesses arrived, including Mr. Ramon Colon, who saw the creature hiding behind a tree and made a loud hissing sound that sounded "like a mocking gesture"to Colon. At one point, one of the children's soccer balls fell next to the creature, and when the children tried to pick it up, they found themselves face to face with it. 

One of the children, Jose Angel Cruz grabbed a stick and tried to hit the creature, but could no longer see it, the other children could see it and tried to point out its location to Jose, but all he could see was a bright light in front of him. The creature made a hissing sound, and the boy fainted, then ran into the woods and disappeared. 

This time, the creature's eyes were cone-shaped and glowed white. When the police arrived, they found strange footprints, and when one of the officers tried to enter the forest to investigate, he was overcome by a severe headache and indisposition, and was unable to continue.

Original news

Location. Orocovis, Puerto Rico
Date: April 2 1995
Time: 1800
A group of about 15 persons, including children and adults had gathered on top of a wooded hill for a night of camping. While the children played, Mrs. Ana Torres & another woman noticed something standing next to a tree. Ana threw some stones at it, and it began moving. They then noticed that it was a short, 3-foot tall humanoid, gray in color. Afraid, the two women began screaming and calling the others. Other witnesses arrived including Mr. Ramon Colon, who saw the creature hiding behind a tree and making a loud hissing sound, that sounded “like a mocking gesture” to Colon. At one point one of the children’s soccer ball fell near the creature & as the children attempted to retrieve it, they found themselves face to face with it. One of the children, Jose Angel Cruz grabbed a stick and attempted to strike the creature but could no longer see it, the other children were able to see it and attempted to point out its location to Jose, but all he could see was a bright light in front of him. The creature emitted a hissing sound and the boy fainted, it then ran into the woods and disappeared. This time the creature’s eyes were described as con shaped and luminous white in color. As the police arrived they found strange tracks, and as one of the officers attempted to enter the woods in order to investigate, he was overcome by a strong headache & malaise and was unable to go on.

Source: Jorge Martin in Evidencia OVNI # 6


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