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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Spirits. Latvia

ID #1616781944
Added Fri, 26/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
28.10.1996 22:00

Nicholas X. My wife and I camped on the banks of the Amata River during a light snowfall, and at sunset they lit a fire and both squatted down by the fire to warm up.

Near the river, they noticed a strange haze that seemed to be approaching their place, suddenly near the fire about 10 meters away, they saw two figures looking at them. 

They were a man and a woman, very tall, fair-haired, and with beautiful features. The woman had long curly hair, and the man had long straight hair. There was no emotion in their features. They just stared at the witnesses in silence. Their clothes were unusual; it seemed to be illuminated like a spider web, made of a very beautiful material covering their bodies. Their features were stern and unflappable. 

A terrified Nikolai heard a mental message from a woman telling him not to be afraid, that they had already been in the same area before. Suddenly, the figures seemed to disperse in full view, and numerous glowing particles scattered in the wind.

Original news

Date:  October 28, 1996
Location:  Ligatne, Latvia
Time:  2200
Summary:  Nikolai X and his wife had been camping along the banks of the River Amata during a light snow, at sundown they kindled a bonfire and both were squatting near the fire in order to warm up. Near the river they noticed a strange haze, which appeared to approach their location, suddenly near the bonfire about 10 meters away, they saw two figures looking at them. They were a man and a woman, very tall, blond-haired and with beautiful features. The woman had long curly hair and the man long straight hair. Their facial features were without emotion. They simply stared at the witnesses silently. Their clothing was extraordinary; it appeared to be illuminated, like a cobweb, made out of a very beautiful material that covered their bodies. Their features were strict and imperturbable. Frightened Nikolai heard a mental message from the woman telling him not to fear, that they had visited the same area previously. Suddenly the figures seemed to dissipate in plain sight, with numerous luminous particles scattering into the wind.
Source:  UFO LATS, Latvia


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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