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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Israel

ID #1616789748
Added Fri, 26/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
31.12.1996 19:55

Shoshana Bar-on and her boyfriend Ilan Cohen were driving home from Tel Aviv when they both noticed an orange-red disk flying over the coastal cliffs. They stopped the car and tried to chase the object. The object then appeared to split into three pieces, and one piece split into dozens of glowing plates that fell to the shore below the witnesses. 

Shoshana leaned over the cliff and saw four small gray humanoids on the ledge. She called Ilan to look, but for some strange reason he couldn't see them. She stood up and saw a clam-shaped ship nine feet (3 m) long appear in front of her. 

The object selection opened, and she saw four creatures, three in a row, and the pilot sitting in front, all of them sitting in cramped tiny chairs that had a few buttons that looked like controls. One of the entities flew out of the ship vertically and stunned Shoshana with "white rays coming from his eyes". The creature came up to her and rubbed her arms and neck with its short, soft hand. She later recalled that his touch was pleasant. 

She was screaming, but Ilan couldn't hear her. Then she fell to the ground. Ilan managed to drag her away, but in a voice that "wasn't hers," she insisted on being taken back. He pulled her to the side of the road, where he stopped a car that took them to a nearby hospital.

In the following days, many other phenomena occurred in the witnesses ' apartment.

Original news

Date: December 31 1996
Location: Netanya, Israel
Time: 1955
Summary: Shoshana Bar-on and her boyfriend Ilan Cohen were returning home from Tel Aviv by car when both spotted an orange-red disk flying over the seaside cliffs. They stopped the car and attempted to chase the object. The object then seemed to brake into three parts, one part further split into dozens of glowing plates that fell on the beach below the witnesses. Shoshana bent over the cliff and saw four small gray humanoids on the ledge below. She called over to Ilan to look but he, for some strange reason could not see them. She stood up and saw a nine foot long, clam shaped craft appear opposite to her. The opt of the object opened up and she saw four entities, three in a row and a pilot sitting forward, they were all seated in tight, tiny chairs, that had several button like controls. One of the entities floated vertically from the craft and stunned Shoshana with “white projector like beams coming from his eyes.” The being approached her and rubbed her arms & neck with a stubby, soft hand. She later recalled that his touch felt good. She screamed, but Ilan could not hear her. She then collapsed to the ground. Ilan managed to drag her away from the site but in a voice “that was not hers” she insisted in being taken back. He pulled her to the side of the road where he flagged down a car that drove them to a nearby hospital. Numerous other phenomena occurred in the witness apartment the following days.
Source: Barry Chamish, UFO Universe Special Issue


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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