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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Spirits. United States

ID #1617041039
Added Mon, 29/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
17.05.1997 16:00
Санта-Моника, CA
United States

The witness had just picked up her daughter from school and was on her way to pick up her son from kindergarten, driving west on Santa Monica Boulevard while driving her husband's work truck. 

As she neared the intersection, she suddenly heard "voices" (which sounded as if they were coming from a military radio) speaking decisively:

"We are one." 

She declined this as her daughter did not respond. The light turned red and they stopped one car behind the limit line, then her daughter (about eight at the time) told her:

"Mom, I'm worried about this man's smoke." 

She turned to the passenger side to see if her window was open, then closed it as the " man " in the car whose smoke was bothering her daughter slowly moved his car next to hers. He was driving a late-model SUV, possibly a Land Cruiser. 

The first thing that immediately struck her about him was his hand. He had fingers like ours, but they were perfect, long and straight, with square tips at the ends. He casually hung his cigarette out of the window, and when he saw what was attracting her attention, he gently moved his wrist. A very elegant, well-made watch fell from under his long sleeve. She remembers how everything slowed down and looked at him as he slowly turned from his profile to face her fully. 

Sometime during these observations, she again heard "voices" that said:

"We are running our campaign to prevent smoking abroad." 

Immediately, she assumed that this cold man was not born and did not come from somewhere here on Earth. 

Its head was about 50% larger than a human's and was perfectly round. His eyes were normal-sized, slightly almond-shaped, they were a light color, and the witness could not remember the color. His hair was " amazing." It was very limp, light brown, almost colorless, and he wore it in a Dutch boy's haircut. He had a beautiful mouth, thin lips, and a small nose. 

He grinned at her when he saw her reaction to hearing the voices again, but she never felt threatened by him. He remembers how irritated he was that this performance was taking place in front of her daughter. Then her daughter asked:

Mom, what is he doing?»

 The light somehow changed to green, allowing only one car ahead of them to cross the intersection, and then he moved his car into the lane in front of them. She didn't have time to react, and her foot kept pressing on the brake pedal as she wondered why the traffic wasn't moving, how the lights had changed to red so quickly, and why no one was honking. 

Then she heard the voices again:

"Now get out of the car and let her take a good look at you."

 The driver's side door opened slowly, and she saw a long, thin leg get out of the car, and a foot in black shoes with very flat heels deliberately drop to the ground. 

Then he stood facing forward (with his back to the witness) and stayed in this position for a while. She noticed that she was very well dressed: a black shirt, black trousers, and black shoes. His shirt was tucked in smoothly and hung beautifully over his lithe, long figure. 

The man was at least 6 feet 5 inches (195.5 cm) tall, as his height matched that of the car. The fabric of his clothes was very well made of shiny silk, the shirt had buttons, but the collar was unbuttoned. The trousers were without a belt, and she noticed that his torso and legs were in proportion to his arms. His neck was incredibly thin, and the back of his head seemed to balance on it. He had very narrow hips; however, his chest and torso looked normal width compared to his height. In the buttock area, he had very little. 

He turned slowly to the witness and moved toward her. As he approached, she noticed that his gait was abnormal, almost as if it was mechanical, she compared it to someone "not used to gravity". 

As he approached the witness and her daughter, the witness felt her daughter tense up, and she remembers being particularly calm. She listened carefully to see if he would communicate directly with her, but he didn't.

She also recalled thinking that the stranger was an " angel." She could tell that he was definitely a man, his pants were tight-fitting, emphasizing his masculine form on the leg. He made his way to the back of the car, opened the hatch, and began to search for something, pulling out two small bottles of Evian. Then he looked directly at the witnesses, picked them up with one hand, smiled, and quickly climbed back into the car. 

The time was such that the light immediately turned green when he rode ahead of the witnesses for a while. She couldn't follow him, since her daughter was with her.

Original news

Date: May 17 1997
Location: Santa Monica, California
Time: 1600-1700
Summary: The witness had just picked up her daughter from school and was on her way to pick up her son from nursery school, she was going west bound on Santa Monica boulevard driving her husband’s work truck. As she neared the intersection she suddenly heard “voices” (which sounded as if they were originating from a military radio) that emphatically said, “We are one”. She dismissed it as her daughter did not react. The light turned red and they stopped one car behind the limit line, then her daughter (about 8 at the time) said to her, “Mom, this man’s smoke is bothering me.” She turned to the passenger side to see whether her window was open and then closed it, when the “man” in the car whose smoke was bothering her daughter slowly inched his vehicle along side hers. He was driving a late model SUV, possibly a Land cruiser. The first thing that immediately struck her about him was his hand. He had fingers just like ours, but his were perfected , long and even, with square tips at the ends. He was nonchalantly dangling his cigarette out the window and when he saw that he capture her attention he gently moved his wrist. A very elegant well made watch dropped from below his long sleeve. She remembers things slowing down and looked at him as he slowly turned from profile to fully looking at her in the face. It was sometime during these observations that she then heard the “voices” again, they said, “We are taking our nonsmoking campaign overseas.” Immediately she surmised that the man cold not have been born or come from anywhere here on Earth. His head was about 50% larger than a human’s and it was very perfectly round. His eyes were normal in size and slightly almond shaped, they were a light color, and the witness couldn’t recall the color. His hair was “amazing.” It was very limp, light blond as to be nearly colorless and he was wearing it in a Dutch boy haircut. He had a well shaped mouth, thin lips, and a small nose. H e smirked at her when he saw that she had reacted to again hearing the voices, but at no time did she feel threatened by him. He does remember becoming annoyed that this display was taking place in front of her daughter. Then her daughter asked, “Mom what is he doing?” The light somehow had changed to green allowing only the one car in front o them to cross the intersection and he then moved his vehicle into the lane in front of them. She did not have time to react and her foot continued on the brake while she wondered why the traffic was not moving, how the light had changed so fast back to red and why no one was honking their horns. She then heard the voices again, “Now step out of the car and let her take a good look at you.” His driver side door slowly opened and she saw on long, spindly leg come out of the car and a very flat heeled black shoed foot deliberately gets lowered to the ground. He then pulled to a standing position facing forward (his back to the witness) and held his stance there for a drawn out moment. She noticed that she was very well dressed, black shirt, black pants, and black shoes. His shirt was tucked in smoothly and had hung beautifully on his lithe long frame. The man was at least 6’5” as his height matched the top of the vehicle. The fabric of his clothing was very well made lustrous silk, the shirt had buttons but the collar was unbuttoned. The pants were belt-less and she noticed that his torso and legs were in proportion as were his arms. His neck was impossibly thin and the back of his head seemed to teeter on it. He had very narrow hips; however his chest and torso appeared normal width with respect to his height. He had very little in the buttocks area. He slowly turned to face the witness then he moved forward toward her. As he approached she noticed that his gait was abnormal, almost as though it was mechanical, she likened it to someone “not being used to gravity”. As he approached the witness and her daughter, the witne ss felt her daughter tense up, and she remembers being especially quite. She listened carefully to see whether he would communicate with her directly, he did not. He also remembered thinking that the stranger was an “angel”. She could tell that he was definitely a male, his pants close fitting, outlining his male form against his leg. He made his way to the back of the vehicle opened the hatch and searched for something, pulling out two small bottles of Evian. He then looked directly at the witnesses and held them up with this one hand, smiled and quickly climbed back into the vehicle. The timing was such that the light turned green immediately as he got and drove ahead of the witnesses for some time. She could not follow him since she had her daughter with her.
Source:The witness wrote about her experiences in a book titled: “Maxie Time” 2000.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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