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The Alien. Russia

ID #1617711469
Added Tue, 06/04/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Four boys from the local "primary" school Eldar Islamov, Anton Kireichev, Server Devlyatov and Alyosha Alyabyev left the school building to go to the toilet. 

Along the way, they heard a strange guttural sound coming from behind them, and when they looked back, they saw a strange humanoid creature climbing over the fence. The creature was approximately 1.7 meters tall. The boys froze in horror as the entity began to approach them. 

The alien had a large head out of proportion to its body, two huge red eyes, and a square, flat body. Its long arms touched the ground and ended in three clawed black fingers. The creature's legs were black and straight. The rest of his body was translucent, a smoky color. The boys noticed no hair, no mouth, no ears, no nose. The boys named the entity "slug". 

The alien walked over to one of the boys and put a hand on his shoulder. The boy felt no weight or pain and tried to push her away. The boys noticed that the creature had some kind of device with a button attached to its elbow. 

Then the alien pressed a button with a clawed finger, and immediately the alien was "sucked" through the wall of the school building. Only the creature's red eyes were still visible on the wall. The boy's skin was red where the creature had touched him, but he felt no pain or burning. 

Soon he was gone, and the screaming boys rushed into the classroom. The teacher could not calm them down, and one of the boys stuttered uncontrollably. After the incident, they were afraid to go to the toilet alone. 

In 1998, several UFO sightings were reported in the area.

Original news

Location. Dalekoye, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: November 18 1998
Time: daytime
Four boys from the local “elementary” school, Eldar Islamov, Anton Kireichev, Server Devlyatov, and Alyesha Alyabyev had gone out of the school building to use the toilet. On their way there they heard a strange guttural sound coming from behind them, and looking back they saw a strange humanoid entity climbing over the fence. The entity was approximately 1.7m in height. The boys froze in terror as the entity began approaching them. The alien had a large head, not in proportion to its body, two huge red eyes and a square flat body. Its long arms touched the ground and ended in three clawed black fingers. The legs of the entity were black and straight. The rest of its body was semi-transparent, smoke in color. The boys noticed neither hair, nor mouth, ears nor nose. The boys named the entity “the slug”. The alien approached one of the boys and put its hand on his shoulder. The boy felt neither heaviness nor pain and tried to push it away. The boys noticed that the entity had some type of device with a button attached to its elbow. The alien then pressed the button with its clawed finger and immediately the alien was “sucked” through the wall of the school building. Only the entity’s red eyes could still be seen on the wall. The boy’s skin turned red on the place where the entity had touched him, but he felt no pain or burning sensation. Soon it disappeared and the screaming boys rushed to their classroom. The teacher was unable to calm them and one of the boys stuttered uncontrollably. They feared going to the toilet alone after the incident. A number of UFO observations were reported around the area in 1998.

Source: Galina Neiman, “Krymskaya Pravda”, Anton Anfalov


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