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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Poltergeist. United States

ID #1624805574
Added Sun, 27/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
02.2008 03:30
United States

The witness lived in a suite in a casino with her brother and his wife, herself and her children aged 8 and 9. She suddenly woke up around 3: 30 in the morning from a feeling of pressure on her side, as if pushing her down. 

She thought it might be one of the daughters pushing her. She raised her hand, trying to push away everything that was on top of her, and felt something significant, but definitely not one of her children. 

At that moment, she was afraid. She was lying on her side, so she turned her head to her right shoulder to see what was on top of her. She saw a large dark funnel of an insignificant shape. She heard a mocking laugh. She struggled unsuccessfully. 

She decided to let the entity know that they should get rid of her in the name of Jesus Christ. The funnel suddenly hit the ceiling and disappeared. She lay very scared, hoping that it was a dream. She decided to move to the bed and did not wake anyone. She was trying to go back to sleep when she felt hands all over her body, pushing and pulling. She knew that she was asleep when the second "attack" began, when the sensations began to wake her up. 

She started screaming, and it woke up his daughter-in-law. She said that she looked at her in bed and saw a dark figure above her, wrapping her "arms" around her. Her brother heard her scream, turned on the light and asked if she was okay. She said no, and her sister-in-law told him what she had seen. 

They stayed in the room for one more night, and the only thing that happened was that one of her daughters was crying in her sleep, and she couldn't see what was bothering her.

Original news

Date: February 2008
Location: Michigan (exact location not given)
Time: 0330 am
Summary: The witness was staying in a suite at a casino with her brother and his wife, herself and her children, ages 8 and 9. She suddenly awoke around 0330 am to the sensation of a pressure on her side, kind of pushing her down. She thought that it might be one of her daughters pushing her down. She raised her arm out to try to push off whatever was on top of her and felt something substantial, but definitely not either one of her kids. At that point she began to feel frightened. She was lying down on her side so she turned her head to her right shoulder to get a glimpse of what was on top of her. She saw a large, dark funnel of no substantial shape. She heard a mocking laugh. She struggled to no avail. She decided to let the entity know that they should get off of her in the name of Jesus Christ. The funnel suddenly hit the ceiling and disappeared. She laid there very frightened hoping that it had been a dream. She decided to switch sides on the bed, and didn’t wake up anybody. She attempted to go back to sleep when she felt hands all over the front of her, pushing and pulling. She knew that she was sleeping as the second “attack” began as the sensations began to wake her up. She began to cry out, and this woke his sister in law. She said she looked over at her in bed and saw that she had a dark figure over her with its “arms” wrapped around her. Her brother heard her cry, turned on the light and asked her if she was okay. She said that she wasn’t and her sister in law told him what she had seen. They stayed in the room one more night and the only thing that happened was one of her daughter’s was crying in her sleep and she could not see nothing bothering her.
Source: Your True Tales—June 2008


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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