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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1624906311
Added Mon, 28/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
25.04.2009 21:15
Меса, AZ
United States

At about 21: 15, the witness's mother called him to the backyard, where she claimed that she saw several objects in the sky. She never gave him any other descriptions of the objects, other than the information that they were rotating. 

He looked up and saw a quick white flash in the sky. It happened again a minute later. Since nothing else happened, he went back inside and went to bed. 

The next morning, around 7 a.m., he woke up on his right side and was paralyzed in all parts of his body. Suddenly, he felt a light touch on the small of his back and felt a vibration all over his body. He could not speak and could exhale:

"Who are you?"

He felt the tension in his neck relax, and, turning around, saw a humanoid male 7-8 feet tall (2.1-2.4 m) with pale white skin and long blond hair. He had no eye pupils, just pure white eyes and was wearing a silver jumpsuit. The witness noticed that the humanoid had four fingers on his hands instead of five. It was then that the witness began to struggle to free himself. 

This lasted for about 2 minutes, until the vibration sensation stopped and he was unable to move. The figure had disappeared, and the strange thing was that he had locked the door from the inside the night before, and the next morning it was still locked. His sister told him that after that, there was just a strange feeling in his room, and it lasted about two hours. 

The witness feels that the creature did not try to harm him, but simply tried to tell him something.

Original news

Location. Mesa Arizona
Date: April 25-26 2009
Time: 2115-7am
At around 2115 the witness’s mother called him outside in their backyard where she claimed to see several objects in the sky. She never gave him any other descriptions of the objects except for that they gyrated. He looked up and saw a quick white flash in the sky. It occurred again one minute later. Since nothing else happened, he went back inside and went to bed. The next morning, it was around 7am when he woke up on his right side and was paralyzed in all parts of his body. Suddenly he felt a gentle poke on his lower back and he received a vibrating sensation throughout his body. He could not speak and was able to breathe out “Who are you?” He felt tension release of his neck and he turned around to see a 7-8 ft tall male humanoid with pale white skin and long blond hair. He had no eye pupils, just pure white eyes and was wearing s silvery jumpsuit. The witness noticed that the humanoid had four fingers instead of five on his hands. It was then that the witness began struggling to get free. This lasted for about 2 minutes until the vibrating sensation stopped and he was able to move. The figure was gone and the strange thing was that he had locked his door from the inside the night before and it was still locked the next morning. His sister told him that his room just had a weird feeling afterwards and this lasted for about two hours. The witness feels that the being was not trying to hurt him and was just trying to tell him something.
Source: John Hayes webmaster@ufoinfo.com


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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