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The Alien. United States

ID #1624911320
Added Mon, 28/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
15.05.2009 00:00
Оспри, FL
United States

At night, a group of aliens entered my house and implanted a blue sphere in me. 

This is a personal story about a time when my house, in which I still live, was broken into, and I was implanted with a creature that I can only describe as a gray reptile, with something like a small object in the shape of a blue marble. I will be as descriptive as possible, but I don't remember everything, and I only have a rough drawing to depict part of what happened. 

I was lying in bed on a mattress on the carpet. In my room there was a home gym, an entertainment center with a TV and a DVD player. 

I witnessed a very bright light outside my bedroom window, and when I got up to see what was going on, they were unlocking the back door, the sliding glass door, when I retired to my bedroom and locked the door. Then I heard voices speaking to me in English, telling me not to fight too hard and to give up peacefully. In addition, the object turned off the electricity in my house. 

A creature that was tall and slender, with something like gray skin, came into my room accompanied by at least one, very short, about up to my hips (my height is six feet (1.8 m)), I immediately felt as if I was calmed down and fell back on the bed. 

I woke up again when a being who called himself a kind of doctor, although he said he didn't go to Harvard or anything like that, was preparing a device that looked like a gun, but with bare bones, just a frame, a long thin metal object used for insertion, and a blue object that was a small sphere. The object turned off the electricity in my house. 

He continued to inject the blue sphere into my left nostril and what seemed to be rising into my brain through the nasal cavity, until I heard a drilling noise and a crunch.

 I was sedated, but I felt the need to get up, go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. Then I noticed a profuse nosebleed, then I fell unconscious back on some other creature who said he would catch me, although I must have been very heavy for him as he struggled to catch my falling body. 

I still can't figure out if I fell on the edge of the tub, although I seem to remember the noise from this incident. I was speechless. When I woke up, it seemed to me that it would be very late the next day, but, admittedly, I do not remember on what day I had the implantation. 

I actually went later to get an MRI of my brain, as I remembered it shortly after and the doctor said something was wrong and people in suits started confiscating the images, I was told to leave the premises and I wasn't charged for the MRI scan, but I wasn't allowed to see them. 

But I would like to try again, I will gladly send MRI images, X-rays or polygraph tests to make sure that I am honest about this, I believe that this object is still inside. 

The person who put this object in my head said that they would not be able to remove it because it would kill me, but that there would be scar tissue around where it would heal. 

In fact, this is just one of several interactions, I have been repeatedly abducted.

Original news

Date:  May 15 2009
Location: Osprey, Florida
Time: 00:00
Summary: A group of aliens went into my house and implanted me with a blue sphere, at night. This is a personal account of a time when my home, which I am still a current resident, was broken into and I was implanted by a being who I can only describe as a grey reptilian, with something like a small blue marble shaped object. I am going to be as descriptive as I can be, but I do not remember everything and I only have a crude drawing to depict some of what had happened. I was laying down in bed, on a mattress on the carpeted floor. In my room there was a home gym, an entertainment center with a television and a DVD player. I witnessed very bright lights outside of my bedroom window, and when I got up to see what was going on, they were unlocking the back door, the sliding glass door, when I retreated to my bedroom and locked the door. I then heard voices speaking to my in English telling me to make it not be so much of a struggle and give up peacefully. Also, the object knocked out the electricity to my house. A being that was tall, and slim, and had what appeared to be grey skin entered into my room accompanied by at least one who is very short, something like up to my thighs (I am six feet tall), I immediately felt as though I was tranquilized and fell back onto the bed. I awoke again when a being calling himself a doctor of sorts, although he said that he didn’t go to Harvard or anything like that, was preparing a device which looked like a pistol, but bare bones, just a frame, a long slender metallic object used for inserting and a blue object, which was a small sphere. It proceeded to insert the blue sphere into my left nostril and what seemed like up into my brain through my nasal cavity until I heard a drilling noise and a crunch. I was sedated, but I felt compelled to get up, walk to my bathroom and to look at myself in the mirror. I then noticed profuse bleeding from my nose, I then fell unconscious, backward, into some other being who said that he would catch me, although I must have been very heavy for him, as he struggled to catch my falling body. I still am not clear on whether or not I fell on the rim of the bath tub, although I seem to recollect the noise of that happening. I was numb. When I woke up, it seemed to me to be very late the next day, but admittedly I do not remember what day it was when I was implanted. I actually went later to get a MRI image of my brain, because I had remembered it shortly after, and the doctor said that something was wrong, and people in suits proceeded to confiscate the images, I was told to leave the premises, and I was not charged for the MRI scans, but was not allowed to see them. But I would like to give it another go, I would gladly submit to MRI images or X-Ray scans, or polygraph tests to verify to you that I am honest about this, I believe that this object is still inside. The one who put this object into my head, he said that they wouldn’t be able to remove it, because that would kill me, but that there would be scar tissue around where it will heal. This is really only one of several interactions, I am a multiple abductee.
Source: Davenport, Peter


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