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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Spirits. United States

ID #1624967353
Added Tue, 29/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
20.06.2009 02:40
Сан-Антонио, TX
United States

The witness suddenly woke up for no apparent reason, turned over and fell asleep again. Ten minutes later, he woke up again and felt restless. He turned on the TV, went to the bathroom, poured himself a glass of tea and sat on the couch for 5 minutes. 

He doesn't know why, but it seemed to him that he just needed to go back to bed. I turned everything off and got back under the blanket, it was about 2: 40. He woke up again and noticed that a bright white light was coming through the window with a vertical black shadow in the middle, such as a lamppost or a telephone pole.

It was so bright that it cast a "white silhouette" on the wall opposite it. The witness thought it was someone with very bright headlights in the parking lot of the apartment. He tried to ignore it and tried to go back to sleep. However, he couldn't fall asleep again because of the light, so, a little scared, he pulled the blanket over his head. 

The lights don't go out, and he doesn't hear a sound of an engine in the parking lot. Finally, he calmed down enough to fall asleep, when suddenly the blanket began to tear off from behind him. 

At first, he thought it was his grandmother, and wondered why she didn't just pull the blanket off like a normal person would, so he reached out and grabbed the blanket, and everything it pulled pulled back. He got scared and started shouting to his grandmother, but he was so afraid that he could not pronounce the words. 

As he was screaming under the blanket, a small thin gray hand with a small skinny hand with very long fingers reached under his wrist and grabbed his wrist. Then he switched off. 

The skin of the hand was not gray, as in the stereotypical "gray", but it was very dark grayish-brown, perhaps close to black. He had never seen the face or body of this creature. Finally, when he woke up, he was in his own bed. 

The bright lights were still on in the apartment. He saw his grandmother coming out of the bathroom and asked her if she had heard his screams, and then she asked:

"Why? Did you look out the window?" 

The question seemed strange to the witness. He felt exhausted: it feels like he just ran a mile, and he feels like he's sick. Finally, he managed to fall asleep again. 

The next week, he was left alone in the house and could not sleep, and for the next few months, he randomly woke up around 2: 30 for no reason.

Original news

Location. Near San Antonio, Texas
Date: June 20 2009
Time: 0240a
Summary: The witness suddenly woke up for no apparent reason, he rolled over and went back to sleep. Ten minutes later he woke up again and felt uneasy. He turned his television on and went to the bathroom, fixed a glass of tea and sat on the couch for about 5 minutes. He doesn’t know why but he felt like he should just go back to bed. He turned everything off and got back under the covers, this was around 240a. He woke up again and noticed that there was a bright white light with a vertical black shadow in the middle like a light pole or a telephone pole, coming in through the window. It was so bright that it cast a ‘white silhouette’ on the wall across from it. The witness thought that it was someone with some really bright headlights in the apartment parking lot. He tried to ignore it and tried to go back to sleep. However he couldn’t get back to sleep because of the light, so feeling somewhat scared he pulled the blanket over his head. The light wouldn’t go out and he couldn’t hear any kind of engine hum from anything in the parking lot. He finally calmed down enough to doze off when suddenly the blanket started to be pulled off of him from behind. At first he thought it was his grandmother and wondered why she just didn’t pull the blanket off like a normal person would do, so he reached up and grabbed the blanket and whatever it was that was pulling was tugging back. He became terrified and started screaming for his grandmother, but he was so afraid that he couldn’t get the words out. As he screamed under the blanket a small thin gray arm, with a small skinny hand with really long fingers reached under and got a vice-grip on his wrist. He then blacked out. The arm’s skin wasn’t gray like the stereotype ‘gray’, but it was very dark grayish brown, maybe close to black. He never saw the face or body of the creature. Finally when he woke up, he was in his bed. There was still bright light flooding the apartment. He saw his grandmother coming out of the bathroom and asked her if she didn’t hear his screams, she then asked, ‘Why? Were you looking at the window?’ The question struck the witness as kind of odd. He felt exhausted; feeling like he had just ran a mile and was feeling sort of sick to his stomach. He finally managed to go back to sleep. He was left alone in the house for the next week and could not sleep and over the next few months he would randomly wake up around 230a for no reason at all.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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