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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1625061663
Added Wed, 30/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
15.10.2010 03:00
Харлейсвилл, PA
United States

The young witness played computer games late into the night and went to bed around one o'clock in the morning. He quickly fell asleep, dressed only in boxers. His bedroom was on the second floor in the southwest of his house. It has 3 windows on the front side of the house and has access to both the attic and the only fire escape in the building. The house used to be an old office building, in which his bedroom was one of the offices. His bed was located in the southwest corner next to the window and right next to the fire escape door. This door has no handle on the outside, and there is only a lock on the inside, similar to what you will find inside a school entrance door or an office building. The actual fire escape outside the door is nothing more than a metal platform and a railing leading down the wall of his house with a metal ladder. He often used this to smoke a cigarette, since the landlord forbade smoking.

He woke up that day around 3 am, judging by the darkness of the night outside, however, when he woke up, he was already outside on the platform of the fire escape. 

As far as he could tell, he was not asleep, since everything was the same when he was awake and had many lucid dreams in the past, he was very weak and confused because of the way he walked in his sleep. He hadn't walked in his sleep since he was eight years old. He almost immediately noticed something very large above him after this initial confusion and quickly noticed that his door was closing behind him, leaving him no way to return to his house. However, as soon as he noticed it, he felt an urge to look at this large object hovering above him. 

Looking up, he noticed that it was round in shape, but with numerous lights on the underside. It was directly above him, so he didn't know which sides he was on. The lights were bright white. Nothing like the fluorescent lights he had ever seen. These lights were flashing without any pattern, it seemed, and were located all over the lower part of the object in rectangular and very long trapezoidal shapes. 

The object had to be at least 250 feet (75 m) in diameter, and possibly more. On the underside of the object, there were also many things protruding from it with these lights, and he carefully paid attention to one of them. 

It was a large piece, with lights coming out from the side to the right of the object. It was shaped like an inverted cone with the end cut off. It resembled the air filter of a high-performance car engine. It had symmetrical lights on all sides, which were identical to those on the underside of the object, but the protruding lower part of this part was a very dark gray-black color. 

When he first looked up, the lights were so blinding that he had to cover his eyes with one hand to see how they were flashing, as well as their shape and location. He watched all this for less than 90 seconds before becoming extremely disoriented. 

He forgot what he was doing, where he was and who he was. It's as if these lights cause an acute case of amnesia. The last thing he could remember before he lost consciousness was the strange sensation of swimming. He had never experienced this before, but it was as if he had suddenly lost weight. His feet no longer touched the cold metal platform, and he no longer covered his eyes. As soon as he was blinded by the flashing light, he seemed to lose consciousness, unless the light made me forget everything, leaving him with no memories of anything after.

During these short minutes, the object made absolutely no sounds. It was as if everything was completely quiet. This was very strange, since his house is located on the main road and relatively close to the highway Pennsylvania. He remembered how the silence was almost suffocating, he felt very heavy, as if it made the air thick like soup. 

In his brief and very careful observation, he remembered that the object was at a height of 20 to 40 feet (6-12 m) above him and the space between his house and the neighbor's house, and the tree between the facade of their houses blocked part of this large object. There was no wind, as if time had stopped, or so it seemed to the witness.

After he lost consciousness, the situation became very strange, he remembers waking up without anything but vision and a sense of balance. However, his eyes were not working properly. Everything was very blurry and distorted. He remembers very little, but he remembers that everything around was green / brown / gray. 

He also remembers seeing strange objects above him that seemed to be instruments or equipment for examination, none of which seemed to have been created by humans. Although everything was very vague, so it was hard to tell, that was exactly what it was. Then he remembers how the figure appeared above him. 

He couldn't move at all, and his eyesight was very poor, so he couldn't distinguish anything about this creature, except that it seemed a little taller than he was, and it had appendages like a human (arms, torso, head, legs, etc.). However, he did not talk to the witness, who seemed to hear a voice in his head. It was not so much a voice as a transmitted feeling or emotion. 

The last thing he could remember was feeling very calm, as if this creature was somehow trying to help him. The feeling of" trying to help you " that he received was much less related to him specifically, but more to "you", as in "your race". Then he saw that one of the objects above him moved slightly, and again lost consciousness.

When he came to, he was sitting on the edge of his bed. His bed was made very neatly, as if he hadn't gone to bed at all that night. When he looked at his alarm clock, it was about 4: 45 in the morning. 

He tried to remember how he got there, but nothing came to mind. He tried to sleep, but he couldn't, no matter how hard he tried that night.

Original news

Date: October 15 2010  
Location:  Harleysville, Pennsylvania
Time: 03:00 a.m.
Summary: The young witness had stayed up late playing computer games and had gone to sleep around 1 am. He quickly fell asleep wearing nothing but his boxers. His bedroom was located on the second story on the southwest of his house. It has 3 windows on the front face of the house and has access to both the attic and the only fire escape on the building. The house used to be an old office building in which his bedroom was one of the offices used. His bed was located on the southwest corner next to a window and directly next to the fire escape door. This door has no handle on the outside and only a bar-release on the inside similar to what you would find on the inside of as school entrance door or office building. The actual fire escape on the outside of the door is nothing more than a metal platform and railing leading down the side of his house with metal stairs. He often used this to have a cigarette since smoking inside is forbidden by the landlord.

He awoke on this day around 3 am based on the dark of night outside however when he awoke he was already outside on the fire escape platform. He had not been not dreaming as far as he could tell since everything was the same when he was awake and have had many lucid dreams in the past, he was very groggy and confused as to how he had walked in his sleep. He had not sleep-walked since he was about 8 years of age. He almost immediately noticed something very large above him after this initial confusion, and took quick noticed to his door being closed behind him leaving him no way of re-entering his home. As soon as he noticed this however, he felt the urge to look at this large object hovering above him. As he looked up he noticed it was sort of rounded in shape but had numerous lights on the underside of it. It was directly above him so he had no news of the sides of the object. The lights were a very bright white. Nothing like any fluorescent bulb he had ever seen. These lights were flashing without any pattern it seemed and were located all over the underside of the object in rectangular and very long trapezoidal shapes. The object had to have been at least 250 feet in diameter, possibly larger. The underside of the object also had many things jutting out from it with these lights on it as well he took a firm notice of one in particular.
There was this large piece with the lights on the side of it coming out from the right of the object. Its shape was like an upside down cone with the end cut off. It resembled an air filter for a high performance engine in a car. It had symmetrical lights all around its sides that were identical to the ones on the underside of the object however the bottom of this piece jutting out was a very dark gray-black color. When he had first looked up, the lights were so blinding that he had to shield his eyes with one hand to see they were flashing and their shapes and locations. He observed all this within less than 90 seconds before he became extremely disoriented. He forgot what he was doing, where he was at and who he was. Almost as if these lights were inducing an acute case of amnesia. The last thing he can remember before passing out was the strange sensation of floating. He had never experience this before, but it was as if he were suddenly weightless. His feet were no longer touching the cold metal platform and he was no longer shielding his eyes. As soon as he was blinded by the lights that were flashing he seemed to lose consciousness, unless the lights caused me to forget everything leaving him no memory of anything afterwards.
Throughout these short minutes the object made absolutely no sound. It was as if it was making everything around it completely quiet. This was extremely strange since his home is on a main road, and relatively close to the Pennsylvania Turnpike. He remembered the silence being almost suffocating, he felt very heavy, as if it were making the air thick like soup. In his short and very close observation, he remembered the object being about 20 to 40 feet above him and the space in between his house and the neighbor’s house, and the tree in between the front of their homes was blocking out a portion of this large object. There was no wind as if time had stopped in its tracks at least that’s what it seemed like to the witness.
After he lost consciousness it got extremely bizarre, he remembers waking up without any except for his sight and sense of balance. His eyes were not working correctly though. Everything was very blurry and distorted. He remembers very little, but he does remember everything was green/brown/gray in color around him. He also remembers seeing strange objects above him that appeared to be tools or examination equipment, none of which seemed to be created by humans. It was all very blurry though so it was hard to tell if that was exactly what it was. He then remembers a figure move into view above him. He was unable to move at all, and his vision was very poor so he could discern nothing about this being other than it seemed a little taller than he was and it had appendages like a human being (arms, torso, head, legs, etc). It did not speak to the witness however, who seemed to hear a voice in his head. It was much less a voice than it was a feeling or emotion being conveyed. The very last thing he can remember was feeling very calm, as if this being was trying to help him in some sort of way. The ‘trying to help you’ feeling he received was much less about him in particular, but more of a ‘you’ as in ‘your race.’ He then saw one of the objects above him move slightly, and he lost consciousness again.When he came to he was sitting on the edge of his bed. His bed was made very neatly as if he had never lay down at all that night. When he looked at his alarm clock, the time was about 4:45 am. He tried to remember how he got there, but nothing came to his mind. He tried to sleep but could not, no matter how hard he tried that night.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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