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Spirits. United States

ID #1625062770
Added Wed, 30/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Омаха, NE
United States

My wife and I were walking through the forest area near our house late at night. We know the area well and have been to the grove many times. When we came to a wooded area, we saw the lights of houses behind the grove, breaking through the trees. As we got closer, we noticed that shadows were running through the trees. We immediately thought that there were children playing down there. We decided to go see and maybe scare the kids for fun.

We approached the trees and realized that there were no children in the grove, no one was visible at all. We took the side entrance to the grove and went to the trees, wondering if the shadows we saw were just coming from the light from the houses in the distance, as if our eyes were playing a cruel joke on us. 

The grove was well lit, as there was a lot of moonlight and there were practically no leaves left on the trees. It was quite cold; this happened before the first snow fell and the ground was littered with dead leaves. 

As we were walking hand in hand into the grove, we suddenly heard footsteps in the foliage; at this time, an unknown entity crossed our path. He moved briefly, as if under a strobe light, only there was no light. When he crossed our path, he was visible for a moment, and then disappeared. This alternated as it walked in front of us. 

He smiled at us and seemed to be waving his hand. I wasn't ready for this, and when I saw it, I was seized with fear. The entity was a biped that was 5 -10 inches taller than me (12.7-25.4 cm). He was completely naked. Although the genitals were not visible. 

Where there should have been human genitals, there was nothing there, as you might imagine a doll. His skin was a dark gray color. He had very small black eyes that reflected the moonlight. His ears were pressed tightly to his head, his ears converged.The jaw was bigger than any human's. The jaw line went up on the sides of his head, as if he was smiling almost behind his ears. Rows of sharp white teeth were visible when he smiled at us. It had nose slots that widened slightly at the top. I can't remember how many fingers he had, but he definitely had them, which he raised when he waved. 

The meeting lasted almost several minutes. As soon as I could, I twisted my wife's hand and grabbed her wrist. I am twice the size of my wife, I have a very athletic physique. I ran at top speed, literally dragging her through the mud through the leaves from the grove up the grass of the hill through the football field to the street. 

When we went outside, I noticed that my wife was shouting and shouting for me to stop and come back, go back, " she said. 

Because she really wanted to get in touch with the creature. But my fear overcame me, and I dragged us both into the house. From the threshold we could see a grove of trees. I immediately said, don't say anything! 

Since I didn't want our reviews to be spoiled by any suggestions from each other. I divided us into different rooms and asked them to write down our reviews of what we saw.

It is not surprising that we both described the same entity with the same characteristics. This event has had a very negative impact on my life, as my family thinks that my wife and I made it up or are just lying to attract attention or something like that. Not knowing what kind of entity it was kept me awake at night. I must have considered all the possibilities. 

I wondered if it could be a spirit, a Hollywood-style person from a movie, maybe a hologram projector like Scooby-Doo, or even an alien. To this day, there is ignorance in the depths of the soul. I fully know that aliens exist.

With the vast expanse and countless stars in the universe, it becomes clear that we cannot be the only life. I even know that I can feel my heart pounding wildly when I remember this event. Have I missed one chance in a billion to communicate with another intelligent life form if possible? I have only one regret in my life, and that regret will not come back to find out for sure what it was. 

If we are ever going to communicate with such beings (if this is really the case), we need love to be at the center of our awareness, so that we do not run away in fear for no reason. For a long time, I didn't tell anyone anything except my closest friends and closest relatives, fearing that people would think we were crazy. But it got to the point that the itch in the back of my brain became so strong that I consider it necessary to tell others about what we saw. 

I have become so interested in searching the Internet for possible information about the existence of alien life that I often spend hours sifting through the garbage on the Internet, just trying to find someone somewhere who has seen an entity similar to the one we have seen. 

I am currently attending a vocational school under the HVACR program, and in less than a year I am going to get an EPA 3 certificate so that I can work with refrigerants. I'm not crazy.

Original news

Date: November 11 2010
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Time: late night
Summary: My Wife and I were taking a late night stroll through a wooded area near our home. We know the area well and had frequented the grove many times. As we approached the wooded area we could see lights from the houses beyond the grove shining through the trees. As we approched we noticed there appeared to be shadows darting through the trees. We immediately thought there were children playing around down there. We decided to go and check it out and possibly to scare the kids for fun.

We got close to the trees and realized there were no childern in the grove of trees, no one could be seen at all. We took a side entrance into the grove and walked into the trees, wondering if the shadows we saw simply came from the light from the houses in the distance, like maybe our eyes were playing tricks on us. The grove was well light as there was alot of moonlight and virtually no leaves left on the trees. It was fairly cold; it happened before the first snow fall and dead leaves littered the ground. As we walked holding hands into the grove we abruptly heard a footfall in the leaves; at that time the unknown entity crossed our path. It moved in glimpses as if under a strobe light, only no light was given off. As it crossed our path it was visible one moment then gone the next. This alternated as it strode infront of us. It smiled at us and appeared to be waving. I wasn’t prepared for this and seeing it froze me in fear. The entity was a bi-ped that stood taller than me at 5″10. It was completely naked. Though no genitalia could be seen. Where human genitals should have been there appeared to be nothing there, as you would imagine a doll would look. Its skin was a dark greyish color. It had very small black eyes which reflected the moonlight. It’s ears were tight against its head, the ears came to a point. The jaw was bigger than any humans. The jaw line went all the way up the sides of its head as if it’s smile stared behind its ears almost. Rows of sharp white teeth were visible as it smiled at us. It had slits for a nose that were slightly flared at the top. I can’t remember how many fingers it had but it definitely had digits that it held up as it waved. The encounter lasted all but a few minutes. The instant I was able I twisted my wife’s arm and I grabbed hold of her wrist. I’m twice my wife’s size with a very athletic build. I ran at top speed literally dragging her in the dirt through the leaves out of the grove up the grass hill through the soccer field and into the street. As we reached the street I noticed my wife was yelling and screaming at me to stop, and go back, go back she said. As she badly wanted to make contact with the entity. But my fear overpowered me and I dragged us both into the house. From our door step we could see the grove of trees. I immediately said don’t say anything! As I didn’t want our testimonials to become tainted with any kind of suggestion from one another. I separated us into different rooms and had us write down our testimonials of what we saw. To no surprise we both described the same entity with the same features. This event has effected my life very negatively, as my family thinks my wife and I made it up or are just plain lying to get attention or something. Not knowing what this entity was keeps me up many nights. I must have thought about every possibility. I thought could it have been a spirit, a human in Hollywood style movie make up, maybe a Scooby Doo type hologram projecter, or even an alien. To this day not knowing eats at the back of my mind. I fully know aliens exist. With the vastness of space and the countless stars in the universe it becomes clear that we can not possibly be the only life. Even know I can feel my heart racing as I recall the event. Did I miss out on a one in a billion chance to possibly communicate with another intelligent life form? I only have one regret in my life, and that regret is not going back to find out for sure what it was. If were ever going to communicate with beings like this (if indeed it was one) we need to have love at the center of our awareness, so we don’t flee in fear for no reason. For a long time I never told anyone but my closest friends and my immediate family for fear that people would think we were crazy. But its come to a point that this itch in the back of my brain has gotten so bad I feel it necessary to tell others of what we saw. I’ve become so obsessed with searching the web for possible information on the existence of alien life that I often spend hours of my time sifting through garbage on the internet just trying to find someone somewhere who has seen an entity like the one we saw. I’m currently attending a trade school for an HVACR program, and in less than one year I’m going to have my EPA 3 certification so I can handle refrigerants. I am not crazy. 


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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