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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Argentina

ID #1635493058
Added Fri, 29/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
район Тиногаста

Argentina: a man about to "go" to the desert was beaten by a demon.

The builder entered the bushes to spoil the intestines, and he was attacked by a demon who needed help due to shock. He was speechless.

A 35-year-old rural worker needed help at a private clinic in the Tinogast (Catamarca) area after a man whom he called a "little devil" approached and beat him. A strange incident occurred in 2011 and became public knowledge of the country, causing a stir.

The incident began when the man walked away from his workmates to calm down, and felt someone "slapping him on the back."

Immediately after that, he described - after recovering his speech during treatment at the clinic - how a man the size of a small boy, wearing a huge hat, dressed in black and whose face is not visible, quickly kicked him in the back.

"I turned around and he kicked me in the back. I tried to keep walking, but my legs were very heavy, too weak to move them. In addition, I felt a chill," said the man, whose identity was not disclosed. 

His statements were published on the website El Esquiú.com

"It was all very strange, but I went back to where the rest of my colleagues were. I looked back from time to time to see if he was there and followed me," the rural worker said.

Later he added:

"I managed to cross the wire fence. I could only see the path I was following because everything else was confusing. I saw him on the other side and he spoke to me in a hoarse voice, calling out to me and telling me to leave so he wouldn't hurt me anymore."

Colleagues of this man, finding that he was speechless and in shock, took him to the Virgen del Valle clinic.

The doctor Sofia Bellido from this medical center noted that the man who suffered from a "nervous breakdown" when he was taken to the clinic had a rapid heartbeat, hypertension and he could not utter a word.

The doctor claimed that "some kind of event happened to the man in the wilderness, which we could not fully identify, but with the help of gestures and inscriptions on a piece of paper,

"At the time, I thought it could have been some kind of hallucination, but he was fine, showed no signs of intoxication or alcoholism. In fact, the event occurred during his working hours," the doctor added.

Bellido says the clinic "respects popular opinion" and that the goal of the staff was to "calm down" the person and help him "overcome this event with psychological therapy."

Original news

Argentina: Man About to "Go" in the Wilderness is Beaten by an Imp.

Source: QuePasaSalta (Argentina)
Date: September 2, 2018

Argentina: Man About to "Go" in the Wilderness is Beaten by an Imp.

Construction worker went into the bush for a bowel movement and was attacked by an imp, requiring assistance due to being in shock. He lost his speech.

A 35-year-old rural worker required assistance at a private clinic in the locality of Tinogasta (Catamarca)  after being approached and beaten by an individual he described as an 'imp'. The strange incident occurred in 2011 and became public knowledge in the country, causing commotion.

The incident began when the man moved away from his work fellows to relieve himself and felt someone 'tapping him on the back.'

Immediately following, what he described - after regaining speech while being cared for at the clinic - was how an individual about the size of a small boy, with an enormous hat, dressed in black and whose face cannot be seen, gave him a swift kick in the backside.

"I turned around and he kicked me in the rear. I tried to keep walking, but my legs felt very heavy, too weak to move them. Furthermore, I felt chills," said the man, whose identity was not released. His statements were made known by the El Esquiú.com

"It was all very strange, bu I started to walk back to where the rest of my co-workers were. I looked back every so often to see if he was there and was following me," said the rural worker.

He later added: "I managed to cross a wire fence. I could only see the path I was following because everything else was confusing. I saw him on the other side and he spoke to me in a hoarse voice, calling to me and telling me to go away, that he would not hurt me further."

The man's co-workers, finding him speechless and in shock, took him to the Virgen del Valle clinic.

Doctor Sofía Bellido of that care center noted that the man - who suffered from 'a nervous breakdown' when brought to the clinic - had palpitations, hypertension and was unable to utter a single word."

The physician maintained that "the man underwent an event in the wilderness that we were unable to fully determine, but using hand signals and writing on a piece of paper, claimed having seen something he could not explain."

"At the time I believed it could have been some sort of hallucination, but he was completely fine, showed no signs of intoxication or alcoholism. In fact, the event took place during his working hours," added the doctor.

Bellido says that the clinic 'respects popular belief' and that the goal of the staff was to 'calm' the man down and helping him 'overcome this event with psychological therapy'.

[Translator's Note - While this story was met with scorn and still evokes negative reactions, we must bear in mind that attacks of this nature, involving "imps", "goblins" or "little people" are featured extensively in UFO and paranormal literature in Argentina and elsewhere in Latin America. One is reminded of cases recorded by researcher Carlos Banchs about farmhands who wanted to give the 'little people' a beating only to have them retaliate in kind, and Sebastián Robiou's account in Puerto Rico - 4000 miles distant - involving a rural resident being accosted by 'imps'. Links to similar situations are provided below.


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