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Chupacabra. Kyrgyzstan

ID #1638454814
Added Thu, 02/12/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Chui Chupacabra. The mysterious vampire will attract tourists to Kyrgyzstan. The excitement around the elusive vampire in the Chui Valley may attract the attention of foreign tourists to Kyrgyzstan. So say the experts interviewed by the newspaper "El Demi"

The police took the corpses for examination

Recently, the Kyrgyz public was excited by another sensation. The residents of the village of Zhany-Zher Sokuluksky district, an unknown predator began to kill their livestock.

According to one of the farmers, already in several farms in the morning dead sheep were found in the sheds.

"At first they just drank the blood, two holes were left on the heads of the animals, and then they ate the lower part of the leg and jaw. Now I'm thinking of setting a trap and guarding the barn. Although we did not write statements to the police, law enforcement officers arrived, recorded everything, took the carcasses for examination. Interestingly, the corpses began to deteriorate very quickly, this has never happened before," the animal breeder said.

And here many, of course, remembered the emergency of last year, when a similar creature appeared in the Kochkor district. She killed the animals of poor Naryn residents. In a short time, an unidentified individual killed 39 heads of small cattle, 39 chickens and 12 rabbits. All the victims had bite marks and drunk blood, reports.

The already not rich Naryn residents, who lost their cattle, sounded the alarm. They were afraid that the mysterious bloodsucker might start attacking children.

Realizing that this is not speculation, that this crookshanks really threatens the welfare of the Tianshan people and even their lives, the representative of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Naryn region Amanbai Kayypov, as well as the head of the Department of Internal Affairs Narynbek Moldoisaev, personally met with the injured mountaineers on June 14, urging them to set snares to catch the nocturnal predator. Fresh blood was poured into the traps to attract the monster. Chickens were placed next to the traps and even cows were tied up.

"I call on all local residents to assist in the search for an unknown creature," the police chief was quoted as saying in the regional administration. A real hunt has begun for the mysterious monster.

And two days later, the authorities generally took an unprecedented step – a real headquarters for the detection and extermination of the chupacabra was created in the Kochkor district! This is exactly what the monster was called in the State Veterinary Inspectorate, whose director Samir Osmonaliev said that employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, hunting inspectorate, veterinarians and doctors were involved in the search for the chupacabra.

Moreover, concern about the increasing panic among the population was expressed even by the deputy of the LC Dastan Dzhumabekov. He advocated the involvement of military personnel with weapons in the action to eliminate the chupacabra!

The media also reported that the elusive monster lives in the cemetery, and a reward of 5 thousand soms was announced for its destruction.

In a word, the hype has acquired a grand scale, involving more and more officials in its orbit.

And the most interesting thing is that thanks to this phenomenon, Kyrgyzstan in June 2014 became one of the most frequently mentioned countries in the world media. The raid on the Chupacabra, in which hundreds of people participated, became super-news on a planetary scale!


The denouement of the story dates back to June 24, when the head of the Animal Control and Health Department of the State Inspectorate for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Safety Murat Abdyrayev said that the chupacabra that alarmed the whole republic turned out to be an ordinary ... dog. In the stomach of one of the 156 mongrels killed by hunters, experts found the remains of a sheep during an autopsy. This was confirmed by the akim of the Kochkor district, Zhyldyzbek Sheraliev.

After that, all the attacks stopped immediately, and the hype around the chupacabra faded by itself…


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Feral dogs

The Chupacabra attacks often take the usual forays of feral dogs. These animals alone or in a flock climbs into the yards and attacking chickens, rabbits, sheep, goats, etc. Usually they do it in the winter and other lean periods.

They are able to pereprygivaya (or climbing) over relatively high fences, to make a tunnel, destroy the cage, gnawing the twigs and boards.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

Feral dogs

The Chupacabra attacks often take the usual forays of feral dogs. These animals alone or in a flock climbs into the yards and attacking chickens, rabbits, sheep, goats, etc. Usually they do it in the winter and other lean periods.

They are able to pereprygivaya (or climbing) over relatively high fences, to make a tunnel, destroy the cage, gnawing the twigs and boards.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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