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Chupacabra. Ukraine

ID #1638530540
Added Fri, 03/12/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Chupacabra left Ukraine, but will return in 30 years. Soon a year has passed since they stopped talking about the chupacabra in Ukraine, which attacks domestic animals at night and drinks blood. The mysterious vampire appeared in late 2008 - early 2009 and pretty annoyed the villagers. Rabbits were the favorite victims, the beast also did not disdain chickens, nutria, attempted goats and pigs. An attack on people was recorded several times – in Sumy and Rivne regions, but without serious consequences.

The nickname Chupacabra (from the Mexican "goat vampire") organically stuck to the monster. In 2010 - 2012, it managed in all regions of Ukraine, starting from the western and ending with the eastern regions. Night raids were also recorded in the north and south. In all cases, the handwriting was similar: heavy locks on the cages were cracked with sharp claws, and domestic dogs cowardly hid in the booths at this time. Official science denied the presence of chupacabra in Ukraine. Enthusiasts were engaged in studying the phenomenon. One of them is Vladimir Litovka, a biology teacher at Romensky School No. 5.

- Indeed, there have been no manifestations of the phenomenon in the Sumy region for the last year and a half— - a lover of the unknown told Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine– - and in 2010-2013, 50 cases of attacks on rabbits were recorded. This year, in the swamp near the village of Volkovtsy, from where the beast used to appear, only heart-rending screams were heard - from eleven in the evening until midnight. The house dogs fell silent at this time, and then behaved very nervously. The screams were recorded by the caretaker of the local farm, but since May they have stopped.

According to Vladimir Litovka, the so-called chupacabra is a kind of contactee between parallel worlds.

— We even found a few places where she disappeared. It was a big pile of fine, like dust, earth. But there was no hole under it.

Studying archival materials in which the chupacabra was mentioned, Vladimir Litovka came to the conclusion that the phenomenon manifests itself in about three decades.

— If there are no manifestations this year and next, we can say that the cycle will end. A new one can be expected in 30 years – in 2043 - 2044," the biologist believes. – But the next phenomenon can already be modified.

Witnesses who have seen the mysterious beast describe it as follows: red fur, elongated muzzle, front paws shorter than hind legs, looks like a kangaroo in a jump. Judging by the art of opening cells, it has great strength, sharp long teeth and claws


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