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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Chupacabra. Kyrgyzstan

ID #1638968264
Added Wed, 08/12/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Раздольное, Комсомольское

The Chupacabra was in charge near Bishkek. The subsidiary farms of residents of two villages at once — Razdolnoye and Komsomolskoye, in the suburbs of Bishkek, have been attacked for several months in a row. According to the villagers, under the cover of night, a creature unknown to science, a chupacabra, gets into their houses. Correspondents of "KP" went in search of the mythical bloodsucker.

According to local residents, the unknown beast mainly hunted sheep and rams. Photo: Anton SEREDA

"The corpses are intact, but drained of blood"

An unknown animal settled in the vicinity of Bishkek and began killing cattle at the end of last autumn. According to local residents, he mainly hunted sheep and rams, however, he did not disdain chickens and rabbits.

- Rare cases of attacks became more frequent in March and April of this year. During the entire period, 40 sheep, dozens of rabbits and hundreds of chickens died from the bites of an unknown animal— Ruslan Tulyubekov, a resident of the village of Razdolnoye, told Komsomolka. — In the middle of March, I lost 5 sheep, all were drained of blood, 17 more were wounded.

Under the shoulder blades on the corpses, the farmer found holes with a diameter of several centimeters. At the same time, the animal carcasses were intact. The wounded sheep were cured. A blood test showed that they were not infected with rabies. According to the observations of the villager, the attacks on the farm took place in the early morning - about 4 o'clock. And the dogs were never warned about the appearance of an uninvited guest…

But another local resident, Alexander Bushakov, recalls:

— On March 19, my wife and I woke up early in the morning. Around 7 o'clock, a dog started whining in the yard. I went outside 15 minutes later and saw a terrible picture in the garden: more than a dozen torn chickens were scattered all over the site. There are three tunnels in the chicken coop: apparently, the predator did not act alone…

When asked who could so quickly and silently deal with poultry, Alexander just shrugs.

- People panicked, did not go out in the evening and did not let the children out of the house. Some believe that these are hungry wolves or jackals. But then why weren't the corpses eaten? Others think they are stray dogs. We shot stray dogs three times, and the attacks, meanwhile, have not stopped... No, it definitely can't be dogs…

"And the claws are like a scalpel"

The Kulchmanov family also suffered from the night attacks of the mysterious beast.

- A month and a half ago, 9 sheep and 30 chickens were killed, 6 more sheep were injured— - says the head of the family Amankul Kulchmanov. - In addition to the bites on the carcasses, I noticed cuts from claws, as if they were slashed with a medical scalpel.

According to the aksakal, not a single dog barked that ill-fated night.

— I keep small cattle in a pen. In the morning, a huge beam was torn half out of the fence, something or someone pulled the sheep into the garden and killed them already there," the old man adds.

- Wolves or jackals can't be so brutal. We have a densely populated point here, the highway is close, cars are constantly driving and street lighting is on. Wild animals are afraid of this—" the daughter of Amankul-bayke — Marzhan enters into the conversation.

The last attack in Razdolny occurred about a week and a half ago. At the former pig farm, they allegedly even noticed incomprehensible creatures. Azamat, a farm worker, together with his partner, walked around the sheds in the early morning. In one of them, the men saw three animals that were cornering sheep.

— It was not really possible to see the animals in the dark, - says Azamat. — But all of them were no higher than 50-60 centimeters at the withers with different colors - red and black. One lamb was attacked, we beat it off with shovels.

However, not all villagers believe in the existence of a mystical beast.

— What a chupacabra! Do you believe in fairy tales? - a resident of the village Sadatbek Aidaraliev smiles. - My sheep were killed, too. They were definitely stray dogs. My wife saw them a few days later. After the attack, they returned to our yard again, but we fenced everything with a net.

While the locals are thinking and wondering who is encroaching on their cattle, in the neighboring village of Zhany-Zher of the Chui region, schoolchildren took advantage of the situation to "cut off" from school.

- Two ninth-graders let in a "duck" that they allegedly saw a creature similar to a chupacabra, - the locals say. - They say, at the sight of the beast, one even lost consciousness. But the teachers soon found out that the boys had specially invented this horror story in order not to go to lessons.

It is still impossible to find out for sure whether it was actually an elusive chupacabra or just the tricks of starved animals. The villagers did not take photos of the bitten and torn victims of the "night hunters", and the corpses were disposed of. True, horror stories about an unknown beast were useful to parents of small naughty children. After all, for them, the chupacabra is a monster, more terrible than a babai.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Feral dogs

The Chupacabra attacks often take the usual forays of feral dogs. These animals alone or in a flock climbs into the yards and attacking chickens, rabbits, sheep, goats, etc. Usually they do it in the winter and other lean periods.

They are able to pereprygivaya (or climbing) over relatively high fences, to make a tunnel, destroy the cage, gnawing the twigs and boards.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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