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Memories of the turtle monsters from the river angered Kostroma

Added Wed, 28/06/2017
Дата публикации
Thu, 22/06/2017

In the swamps at the river Vetluga in 1930 lived strange animals, like huge turtles. According to the newspaper "Vetluzhskiy edge", this was told by the son of a local resident, who was found with monsters.

19-year-old young man, native village Verkhne-Spasskoye, in 1930 floated timber down the river Vetluga. Ago his brigade back along the river walk.

"The coast was low-lying, swampy. Decided to stay and spend the night on the edge of the swamp. Night rafters woke up from loud sounds. A terrible roar came from the swamps. The most courageous decided to find out who is so scary roars. Moved by chain, one after the other. In the light of the moon on a small hill, they could see the silhouette of the animal. Quite a large specimen, craning her neck, made a sound similar to a roar. At her call said, even a few votes. But something alarmed the creature, and it, uttering another roar and took a few clumsy movements, he slipped from hills to swamp the abyss," — says the eldest son of the hero.

Of course, the team members were amazed. In the morning they came to the conclusion that animals, uttering a terrible roar, was turtle. Only very large. The hero of this story is not just told this story to his sons.

Interestingly, not all residents of Shar'i stories like this, cause a positive reaction. The journalists were accused that they "publish all sorts of stories". In turn, memories of the turtles of the world was published under the title "believe it or not."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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