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A new hypothesis about water monsters

Added Tue, 12/04/2022
Дата публикации
Mon, 11/04/2022

After several years of unsuccessful attempts to find The Loch Ness monster professor suggested that this may be due to the fact that Nessie may actually be a whale penis.

Michael Sweet, a professor from the UK, claims that people previously mistook a whale's penis for mysterious sea creatures during mating sessions. He shared the reasons for the strange mistake and said that traveling artists usually painted what they thought they saw while exploring the sea, but their drawings may not have been the most accurate.

The professor shared the outlandish theory on Twitter and told his thousands of followers:

"Travelers/explorers used to draw what they saw. It is from here that many stories about sea monsters originate, i.e. about tentacles and alien appendages emerging from the water, which gives faith in something more sinister hiding under the water ... however, in many cases it was just whale penises.

Whales often mate in groups, so while one male is busy with the female, the other male just sticks his penis out of the water, swimming while waiting for his turn. Everyone needs to have some fun, right?

One female whale is usually paired with the main escort (male), and a group of males will try to fight for their right to overthrow the escort and earn the right to mate. There may be only a few whales in a competition pack or a large group of 12-15."

Professor Sweet, who boasts more than 10,000 Twitter followers, received mixed reviews about the theory, and some users were left outraged by the statements.

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