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Poltergeist. Russia

ID #1714217604
Added Sat, 27/04/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Kostromskaya oblast

Several cases of the appearance of marks on the body of residents of the city of Kostroma in 1993-1994 were reported by a researcher of abnormal phenomena living there, Colonel of Justice V. P. Dyachkov. They are described in his book "The Anomalous Zone", published in 1995. In it, Vitaly Petrovich described a truly unique case of the appearance of marks-drawings on the body of a horse! Here's what he says about it:

"In November 1992, the famous Kostroma poet, an employee of the Parfenievsky district newspaper Tatyana Inozemtseva bought a horse. Don't be surprised: this purely everyday, everyday event is directly related to our narrative.

Mike's horse was a five-year-old mare of a salt color, hardworking, docile, affectionate. She regularly carried and performed simple horse duties, delighting the hostess, for which she received in full oats, fragrant hay, and swill with bran.

An extraordinary event, let's not be afraid to say - a miracle! - it happened to Mike in early April 1993. A clear pattern appeared on the horse's rump, 20 centimeters to the right of the tail turnip: a perfectly shaped circle with a diameter of 8 centimeters, and the letter "M" is inscribed in it. Technically, the drawing was made by stamping on the animal's woolen coat. Detail: the hair was "styled" strictly clockwise, in much the same way as the cereal plants in the famous "crop circles".

At first, Tatiana decided that it was a stigma that she did not immediately notice. But I remembered that the brand is usually placed on the back, in the place where the saddle is located (so that it is not very noticeable). Most often, the horse's brand number, placed with a red-hot iron, is baked on the skin, the wool comes off in this place, and only then the damaged area of the skin overgrows, but always only with white hair, which makes the brand noticeable on any suit.

Four months have passed... In the early days of August, the hostess looked at her employee and was stunned - there is no letter "M", instead an isosceles triangle is "inscribed" in the same circle. Miracles and nothing more! Mike's horse became famous - it was visited by editorial staff, neighbors, and personally by the head of the internal affairs department of the Parfenevsky district: they looked, groaned in surprise, generously fed sugar cubes to the amazing horse, approvingly patted the rump of the place where the amazing drawings were located, which changed over time... Yes, they changed!

The circle with the triangle inscribed in it lasted until the end of September, and in recent days such a metamorphosis has occurred: a triangle with lines slightly extended downwards appeared, in it there is a circle slightly exceeding the volume of the triangle. And - most importantly - a small, "schematic" man: his head, stylized in the shape of a candle flame, is in a circle, everything else is below. With his hands, he seems to hold on to the side edges - the edges of the triangle. The legs are shown in motion and perspective: the left one is stretched forward and a shoe is visible on it, the right one is tilted back. The drawing was preserved until September 15, 1993. Then a similar man appeared, his head enclosed in a space shaped like a candle flame. The legs of the little man this time were the same, although somewhat apart, the right hand was missing, and in the left there was an object that looked conditionally like a briefcase or briefcase.

The drawing lasted for two days, and on October 17, 1993, a new one appeared: a kind of complex body configuration resembling a propeller tilted by about 30 degrees. Part of the right "blade" is drawn not with a solid line, but with a dotted line. It contains the head of the same little man, the torso is outside the "blade", the legs are spread apart, there are no arms. There is an asterisk in the left (lower) blade. At the end of the month, the drawing disappeared, and nothing else appeared. Perhaps because the horse began to actively grow hair and it would be impossible to preserve the "embossing".

Tatiana constantly combed (with a scraper) the horse's fur, bathed it almost every day in the summer, since the river was nearby, but the drawings did not disappear, did not deform.

It is a pity that measures were not taken to photograph the drawings, cut wool samples from them and examine it. We agreed that if the drawings reappear in the spring, I will immediately receive a message about it, photos, chemical and spectrographic studies of the wool sections will be made."


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