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The Alien. United States

ID #1508828759
Added Tue, 24/10/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Хеббронвилл, TX
United States

American researcher of mysterious beings LON Strickler (Lon Strickler) has published on its website a letter from an eyewitness. According to the Strickler, the strongest interest had caused even the very message he received a few years ago, and the place that it describes.

It was a small town Hebbronville in the state of Texas, with a population of slightly more than 4.5 thousand people. However, according to LON Strickler, it regularly receives reports of sightings in the vicinity of this city mysterious tall beings similar to bipedal lizards or reptilian aliens. Some ufologists believe tall skinny alien reptiles, others believe that it is insectoid creatures.

So the letter itself:

"It happened last week (June 2013) late in the evening on Thursday and Friday in Hebbronville, Texas. I went late in the evening to my friend a neighbor to wash her underwear. She lives a few houses down from my house. When I left, my children were asleep except the oldest child (son) and I asked him while I'm gone, look after the house. It wasn't weird, I stayed on watching younger, when I was a kid.

My husband was on night shift at work, the time was about 10.45 PM and when I left, I felt something strange, like I wasn't supposed to leave the kids alone. But I thought it was very close and I will soon return. I went and loaded the washing machine with linen and returned to his home as quickly as possible. When I entered the house, it seemed to me that my son is in the living room with someone playing, probably with a cat.

I thought that all is well and I needn't have worried. I checked the living room, son has slept on the sofa and I too went to bed. But the next morning my son told me that when he was sitting in the living room and played with the cat, then saw something right outside the window. Someone is peeping into the living room window. Son described that he was tall and skinny, "with dark skin as the stranger". Son also said that the creature was "funny head shape". When the creature moved away from the window, my son carefully crawled to the window and looked outside. He saw that there are "other people" and look in the Windows of other houses. According to my son, he was very scared and I'm too scared

. This day I decided to stay up late and see what happens at night. I sat until almost 5 o'clock in the morning, but nothing unusual noticed. The next morning was Saturday and I went to the house of his girlfriend again and told her about what I saw my son. And then my friend said that he saw something tonight between about 11 and 12 hours. After her story I'm even more excited. She was lying on the ground floor, on the couch and slept, and then heard a strange sound from the side door to the backyard. She saw someone trying to open the door and rotates the handle. And then the door opened.

At this point the woman was already in a state of panic and the only thing I could remember that got into the house, three dark creatures who appeared to be the same as described my son (tall, skinny). When I told a friend that saw my son, I didn't give her an accurate description of the creatures, but she described them just as well, adding that their skin was dark green and mucous like. Then I realized that these beings do come, my friend not the person that believes in aliens and UFOs".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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