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The Alien. United States

ID #1511720751
Added Sun, 26/11/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
23.09.2017 04:00
Сан-Антонио, TX
United States

The researcher LON Strickler, who on his website "Phantoms and monsters" publishes stories of sightings of different unusual creatures, has published a new message.

The author lives in San Antonio, Texas and this is his story he was sent to the MUFON UFO site because he was watching no less, and the real alien species from "grey", and right at home.

"It occurred on 23 September 2017 between 4.00 and 4.10 in the morning, when I woke up and went to the bathroom. Every night I visit the restroom several times because of his medical problems, and since I live in a house with parents with disabilities, I always try to do it as quietly as possible so as not to Wake them. Our toilet is on the ground floor, to him from my bedroom leads to a corridor with a length of 9 meters. Near my room there are two more bedrooms, and then there are kitchen and living room. Night in our house all the lights are off, only the lights in the kitchen a little night light for our cat that she could come in the kitchen at night and eat. That night when I went out from my room and went to the toilet, I felt something unusual in the air. It was something like a weak electrical discharge which I feel a little weird.

I got to the toilet, stayed there for 3-4 minutes and then left. But before I opened the door, I heard a sound which they initially mistook for scratching cat claws on the floor. I thought it was our cat usually went at night in the kitchen and calmly walked out of the toilet. I was standing in the corridor was very quiet, and this scratching sound was coming. And then I looked to the right, thinking to see the cat. But it was not a cat. He stood and looked at me for about five seconds. and I looked at him.

It was a short little alien with a big head and grey skin, he had black slightly slanting eyes, missing ears, nose, and mouth. His arms were very long in proportion to the body. His body was slightly illuminated in the night light and when he started to look at me, his little lip began to create a rapid clicking sound. And I stood and stared at him, feeling that electric tension in the air became even more. I looked at it and thought, actually, and then I felt calm and in my head "rang out" the voice that there is no danger and everything is not real. I was confused and scared and believed the voice. I was going to go to him and raised his hand (to say goodbye). The stranger, too, raised his right hand. I back started to move to my bedroom, and thought to go to sleep.

When I almost reached the room, I suddenly thought, what if these creatures there are several. And then I looked into the living room and saw another alien. It was similar to the first grey, but was much higher, rising to about 180 cm. He stood in front of the other in the doorway and looked at me. Then I again heard in his head a quiet voice that urged me to go to my room and go to bed. I again raised my hand high and the man raised his.

By the time I was feeling a strong buzz in my body, and from high the stranger, too, was a clicking sound. I couldn't resist the impulse and returned to her room, got into bed and immediately fell asleep like nothing happened".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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