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Igumnov 's House

Дом Игумнова
Moskovskaya oblast
Mystic places in region
Open to visitors yes

The mosaic mansion, reminiscent of an old Russian terem, was built near the Kaluga outpost by the famous industrialist Nikolai Igumnov.

Igumnov was one of the owners of the famous Yaroslavl manufactory. 

It is difficult to say whether this is connected with the tragic fate of the architect, but Igumnov's mansion has always been surrounded by gloomy legends. The most common of them says that the owner settled his mistress, a dancer, in this fairy-tale palace, and when he caught her in treason, he immured the unfortunate woman alive in the wall. Since then, her ghost has allegedly been roaming the halls of the mansion, disturbing the peace of its inhabitants. 

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