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Venevitinsky cordon

озеро Чистое
Voronezhskaya oblast
Mystic places in region
Open to visitors yes

The village of Venevitinsky was founded by merchant Nikolai Venevitinov, a folklore myth about the Venevitinsky Maiden, which is associated with the noble family of the Venevitinovs, is widespread in Voronezh and its environs. Its most famous representative is the poet Dmitry Venevitinov, who lived in 1805-1827.

The village was founded as an owner's estate with a distillery in the middle of the XIX century by the real state councilor Karl Fedorovich von Wendrich. In the 1860s, the plant was bought by the merchant N. G. Venevitinov (circa 1824-1892). In the 1870s, N. G. Venevitinov rebuilt the factory and the manor house. In 1883, "a distillery with 300 acres of land and a small forest growing on it, a steam mill with 4 posts, a residential house with 12 rooms ..." was sold to A. S. Khvoshchinskaya, the only daughter of the largest Voronezh capitalist and philanthropist of the XIX century S. L. Kryazhov. She also inherited the factory in Maklok from her father. In Soviet times, the estate on Usmanka was the Venevitinovsky cordon of forestry until the 1960s. In 1946, at the Venevitinovsky cordon, under the leadership of zoologist I. I. Barabash-Nikiforov, the foundation of the biological station of the VSU took place, which played an important role in the scientific study of the Usmansky forest. Since 1948, premises for a biostation were built near the cordon, and in the 1960s a recreation center was formed.

  • According to one of the legends, Count Venevitinov liked the serf girl extraordinarily. In order to gain her favor, he sent her lover to the army. But the girl did not accept her fate, refused the count and drowned herself in the local lake Chistoe. Since then, her ghost allegedly lives on the Venevitinsky cordon.
  • According to another version, Count Venevitin (not even Venevitinov), being the owner of a large estate, drowned his wife for treason, although in fact she did not cheat on him. Her soul does not find shelter, and she herself comes to people in black torn clothes.
  • However, according to the most common legend that exists on Venevitinsky cordon, the ghost of his mistress lives here, who hid treasures in the local marshes. But since her head was cut off, she appears to people with her head under her arm.

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