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Sensing method, transient formation

Added Wed, 23/08/2017
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Sensing method of transient processes (SMPP, WFP) and the emergence of sensing (CS TEM) is a widely used geophysical exploration techniques for exploring the geological environment.

In the Russian geophysical school term sensing method formation (CS) or sensing method of the formation in the near zone (TEM) historically used in the oil exploration activities, and sensing method of transient processes (SMPP, WFP) in rudoplavova and engineering-geological researches.

According to the international classification both methods belong to time-domain electromagnetics method (TDEM).

As the source of the electromagnetic field is used ungrounded generator loop through which electric current pulse.

Currently intensively developed technology for airborne electrical surveys. During the execution of airborne electrical works generator circuit with a maximum dipole moment of up to 2 million m2*A is towed by a helicopter at a height of about 30 m from the earth's surface.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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