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The case in the Cascade mountains

Added Wed, 20/12/2017

In this article we will tell about one of the most famous casesthat attracted public attention to the existence of unidentified flying objects. He is considered the impetus that gave rise to the UFO movement. "The case in the Cascade mountains" is known to anyone who has ever been interested in UFOlogy and is familiar with the term "flying saucer", because it is after the interview of Kenneth Arnold, where he compared the objects "floating in the water saucers", this definition is entrenched not only in the minds of millions, but in the case literature.

June 24, 1947, at about 3 p.m., American businessman Kenneth Arnold (Kenneth Arnold), engaged in the sale and installation of fire protection systems, was directed from Chehalis in Yakima (Washington) in his double service plane CallAir A-2. Along the way he decided to try to find the wreckage of the missing near mount Rainier (Cascade range) transport aircraft C-46, for information on the location of which was the promised reward of 5000 dollars.

Located at an altitude of 9,200 ft (2.8 km) above sea level near the town of Mineral (Washington) Arnold decided to end the search and return to the course to Yakima. At this moment he saw a bright flash, like the reflection of sunlight from the mirror. Fearing that he could be in dangerous proximity to another aircraft, Arnold looked around, but all he saw the transport plane DC-4 about 15 miles (24 km) to the left and rear.

Approximately 30 seconds after the first flash Arnold saw a number of bright luminous points left, or to the North of the mountains. He thought it was glare on the Windows of his plane, but a few quick tests (rocking the plane from side to side removal of glasses) confirmed that it is not so, and the light emanates from flying objects.

The objects flew in a long chain, and Arnold for a moment, decided that it might be a flock of geese, but the height of flight of the objects, their speed and glitter disproved this conjecture. He then thought it may be aircraft of a new type, and began to peer at their tails, causing was surprised not finding those observed from aircraft.

Only Arnold observed 9 objects that were from him, at a distance of 20-25 miles (32-40 km).

Later in his interview, he will describe them as follows:

I distinctly saw their outlines in the snow, when they got close to the mountain...

They flew about 20-25 miles and disappeared from sight. About three minutes I watched as the chain moving like saucers on the water, as if thrown flat stones, objects, stretching for at least 5 miles, maneuvered between the high mountain peaks. They were flat as pans, and, like a mirror, reflected the rays of the sun. I saw it all quite clearly and distinctly.

Every few seconds two or three of them at once dived, slightly changing the direction of movement, and it was enough that they roll to the edge and the sun sent its reflection on my plane.

Arnold landed in Yakima at about 16:00 and immediately told me about these amazing observations of his friend, General Director of airport al Baxter. After this information hit the media.

The testimony of Arnold was partially confirmed by a researcher named Fred Johnson, who observed the same objects through a telescope. Johnson claimed to have seen six circular objects above the peak of Adams on June 24 at about the same time. He also noted that they will probably interfere with the compass.

Interestingly, the pilot of the DC-4 reported that nothing unusual was seen.

So, Arnold claimed that the objects were flying "North to South at a height of approximately 9 500 ft (2,89 km), as I thought, a solid course of about 170 degrees." He also said that they were flying diagonally in their system was quite a big gap between the first four and the last five.

The objects were moving almost perpendicular to the course of the aircraft Arnold. The topmost object towered above the low of approximately 1,000 feet (304 m). Length of a chain of objects (about 5 miles or 8 km) Arnold calculated by comparing it with the distance between the peaks of Rainier and Adams, when the objects flew past them.

When flying objects flew about the mountains. He compared the flight of diving thrown into the water a flat stone.

The object which started the chain of discs, flew 47 miles (75,6 km) along the mountain ridge for 1 minute and 42 seconds. Here Arnold concluded that the objects were moving at a speed of 1 656,71 mph (666,2 2 km/h) and, since Arnold was an unknown aircraft moving faster than the speed of sound, he decided. this can't be a plane (the speed of sound in dry air at 20 °C is 343 m/s or 1 234,8 km/h, and the first competitor reaching supersonic speed in controlled flight, was the American test pilot Chuck Yeager in the experimental aircraft Bell X-1 on October 14 1947).

The wheels had Crescent shaped, and the top was a small dome. Their thickness was approximately half the diameter of the disk. The size of the disks it is determined by the fact that objects almost as remote as the DC-4 (which was installed by manual rangefinder), accounted for approximately 2/3 of the wingspan, that is 45-50 feet (13-15 m).

Theories that saw Arnold, are numerous: from the latest developments (missiles or new aircraft) to the illusion arising from the reflection of sunlight from snow or dust (from the book Donala Menzel Flying saucers ("Flying saucers", 1954)). Ufologists of the time, talk about this and other similar observations, suggested that it could be alien ships.

During the official investigation of the incident it was established that in 1947, 112 km North-East from Yakima, Moses lake, located a test site for launching air rockets. If we assume that the speed of the "saucers" Arnold is too high, it could be a rocket. Despite this, the official public opinion of the BBC was that the businessman saw a Mirage from the snow-capped peaks.

Despite the international fame and numerous investigations, this case of UFO sightings over the Cascade mountains to the end of explained: neither version fully explains what I saw Arnold, no official confirmation "of nepoznannogo" of the observed objects.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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