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Circles on the field and other formations. Canada

ID #1489644842
Added Thu, 16/03/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Лангенберг, SK

Canadian farmer Edwin Fur harvest grapes at 11 am in his field. Suddenly he saw far off in the grass a small metal dome-shaped object. He came a little closer, but then got scared and came back. Then he saw four more of the disk. Suddenly the first object took off and the rest followed him. Every object released a cloud of steam. They circled over the place and flew into the clouds.

Later, the farmer found a landing place CDs. The grass on the five points of landing was twisted in a clockwise direction without any trace of heat or decay. The grass in the rings are twisted in a clockwise direction. Themselves ring formation were very close to each other, almost touch each other. Top five was a diameter of about 3 to 4 meters, the sixth was slightly less, about 2 meters.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news


Farmer Edwin Fuhr, 36, was harvesting his grape crop at about 11:00 a.m., when he noticed a metallic-appearing dome-shaped object about 50 feet away in a grassy area. Stopping to investigate, he left his swather and walked to within 15 feet of the object. Noting that the object was spinning and swirling the grass beneath it, he became frightened and backed away. Climbing back on the swather, he looked around and saw four more domes arranged in a rough semi-circle, all identical and all spinning, hovering about a foot above the ground.

Suddenly one object took off, quickly followed by the other four, ascending in a step formation. At about 200 feet they stopped, each emitting a puff of gray vapor from exhaust-like extensions at the base. The vapor extended about six feet, followed by a downward gust of wind which flattened the rape in the immediate area. The objects then formed a straight line, hovered for a minute or two, then abruptly ascended into the low cloud cover and disappeared.

Later Fuhr learned that cattle in a nearby field had bellowed and broken through a fence about the time of the sighting. Going to inspect the landing area, he found five rings of depressed grass swirled in a clockwise fashion. There was no evidence of heat or burning. Some additional circles were found in the area later that month.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Constable Ron Morier, quoted by Canadian Press, said: "Something was there and I doubt it was a hoax. There's no indication anything had been wheeled in or out and Mr. Fuhr seemed genuinely scared."


This is one of the best-known reports pre-dating 1978. It involves the appearance of six rings (some sources citing seven), swirled into grass in Langenburg, Saskatchewan. The story is a classic of the UFO world, and we will briefly go over the account, without passing judgment:

On Sunday September 1, 1974, farmer Edwin Fuhr spotted a metallic, dome-shaped UFO hovering just above the ground in one of his fields. Terrified, he watched it for perhaps 15 minutes, and has described it as spinning. He saw that the UFO was just one of five, which were in semi-circular formation. In due course they rose up and flew away, leaving rings of flattened grass where each had been.

Two days later, following a night in which Fuhr's dogs were noisy, a sixth ring was found in formation with the others.

 We are fortunate to have a number of photographs of these rings, as shown above. 

The rings are all swirled clockwise, and are very close together, almost touching. The main set of five were estimated as between 10 and 12 feet in diameter (around 3 to 4 metres), with the sixth somewhat smaller at around 6 feet (2 metres).

There was a good deal of media interest in this case, and in an effort to rubbish the story, Dr Allen MacNamara of the National Research Council claimed the circles were made by fungus. This was disputed by J Allen Hynek as implausible. 

What to make of Fuhr's story? We have no view, but readers can judge for themselves whether the mushroom theory is consistent with the photographic evidence and the fact that the rings were positioned relative to each other.

This case is of particular interest because the rings not only sat in formation, rather than being placed more-or-less randomly about the field, but also because of the revisitation by whatever caused them. Revisitations are rare, and it will be noted that here, a sixth marking was created, which was also in formation with the pre-existing rings, as if by design. 

Shown below is an approximate sketch of the final layout, based on the information available. (There are no long shots of the site as far as we are aware.) Also shown is Edwin Fuhr's own sketch of the metallic domes he says he saw.


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