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Yeti. Belarus

ID #1498816948
Added Fri, 30/06/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
пионерлагерь «Фестивальный»

In July 1989, Minsk friend told me that his roommate talked about the unusual case in one of the pioneer camps near the Cancer. If the children and us, continue to be seen here an extraordinary creature of great height, covered with dense hair. They say that the creature is none other than the alien.

To that I reacted with irony. A few days before our conversation, the media published in the country news about "horoskop phenomenon", and, as is usually the case, hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens, especially minors, rushed to search for aliens. After a week the story of the "Rakov man" I heard in Vileika district. It has intrigued me. And I went to Voloshino.

Find a summer camp where there was the mentioned event, the difficulty was not. In the villages under the Cancer only talking about the unusual "person".

So, the summer camp "Festival" Minsk industrial footwear Association "Luch". Its head Jeanne M. Kiryanova said.

On 6 July, before dinner, counselors group number 7 Natalia A. Malyshkina took the children for a walk. Stopped at the forest clearing. Children were running and playing. One of them – a fourth grader 60th Minsk school Ruslan Lutskin – went into the woods to collect blueberries. He soon came running back. Pale, very frightened. Ruslan said that he had seen the bogeyman. Of great height, covered with thick hair. Like a man. Part of the boys and girls raced over there, where just came Ruslan. Has not passed also several minutes as the shouting and screaming they're back. The children were also very scared. Screaming that he saw a monster, asked to take them to the camp, said that never again will not go here.

For several days after that in the seventh squad was dominated by the commotion. The children were afraid to walk in the woods, in the evenings it was impossible to bring out. Especially scared was Ruslan. He became panicky afraid of sharp sounds, long could not fall asleep, in the dream shuddered, woke up in the night. In the end the mother had to pick him up from camp home. Gradually the fear vanished. Children left to begin a normal life. Favorite game of the entire camp was a game in aliens.

At the end of our conversation, Jeanne M. said "emergency" is directly connected with the article members of the group for the study of anomalous phenomena, valid members of the Minsk section of the all-Union astronomo-geodetic society of the USSR Academy of V. A. Shamma and Farts "UFO – the search continues", published in the newspaper "dawn" of 30 June, which before the meeting with the "monster" made the acquaintance of the pioneers of the seventh squad.

- However, - said the head of the camp, - you can talk to "witnesses" and draw their own conclusions.

"Witnesses" - fourth grade class Vitalik Morev, Valia Borozna, Ira of Straghalis, Pasha of Wodan and others are one hundred percent sure that he had met with the alien. Some say they saw it whole, the majority – only the head, which protruded from behind the trees. However, their stories about the unusual "man", about the events associated with it, is very contradictory. In General, match very little: the bogeyman was incredibly tall, overgrown blond hair, no nose, growling like a bear. As for the rest – full of inconsistency. So, one says that the growth of the creature was 3-4 meters, the head is round, a pair of eyes, others that growth of 25-30 meters, the head is square, four eyes. Some monster – naked, with a beard, others in pants, without the beard. One girl said that the head creatures two antennas. Eyes, according to different children, "was normal", "light", "light bright green", "blue and green", "red, yellow and blue"... a Lot of details. From simply funny to the fantastic. Dictaphone film retained the following phrase: "a man jumped ten meters", "little stick knocked the half-tree", "eating the bark off the trees, ate five or six logs", "so blew that Ruslan tights have zamuchilas", "tropicala was like a siren and his overhead (hobgoblin – D. N.) suddenly appeared a black plate", "in the air hung a mirror and peak", "over the neighboring camp "solar" hanging flying saucer", "see the plate broken and the aliens spoiled," "I saw landed flying saucer. It was glowing yellow and white lights, it was smoke. The plate was twenty frozen aliens..."

To confirm his words about aliens and saucers children showed me trees that had been stripped of bark, pine trees with broken tops, thick wood, ripped some sort of unusual power, small dents on earth. In their opinion, it was the traces left by the alien, and his starship.

Of course, I really wanted to hear the story of Ruslan Lucina, which, in fact, it all started, and who, according to the children, "saw the monster from afar, and how to lend a hand". The counselor gave me the phone the Minsk apartment Lucking and soon accompanied by a mother – Natalia Petrovna and grandmother – Vera Grigoryevna Polishchuk Ruslan appeared in the editorial.

Mother and grandmother reported that Ruslan has already departed from the transferred shock: normally sleeping, fun. They noticed also that the boy does not belong to the dreamers and inventors and so his words can be trusted.

Frankly, the story of Ruslan made a big impression on me. And not because my mother and grandmother warned about the veracity and the realistic views of the boy. First, he did not seek, as is usually done by the inventors, to draw the whole picture of what happened on July 6, but because many questions were answered "do not remember", "didn't notice". Second, during the conversation I asked him a few "provocative" questions, answering which any ten-year-old dreamer must be confused, but that didn't happen. And finally, in his narrative were completely missing are already known to us, "paraphernalia" aliens", as espoused in books and the press.

Here is the (abridged) story of Ruslana:

- I sat and ate blueberries. Suddenly something rattled. I thought it was the guys and said, "Guys, play nicely". And then again began to knock. I again said, "Guys, play nicely". Then something began to growl. Like a bear, but with some bubbling. I turned around, and there is a monster sitting on his haunches in front of me. Bent over, his face two feet from mine, looking at me. I look at him and understand nothing. I became ill, then it dawned on me and I ran. Shouted two or three times, and then want to scream and can't. Me everywhere the sweat flowing. And heart beating so fast, already heard.

When I started to run, he's behind me stepped one step. Handed me his hand. I turned around. He abruptly took his hand away and began to leave me. I ran to the guys. Then they went to watch monster. And I stayed because I was scared.

Ruslan described the monster as follows:

- Rising almost to the ceiling of our room (3,5 – D. N.). Covered in thick gray-brown fur. Naked. The head is large, like a human. Neck, as I thought, no. Head just connects to the torso. The nose was not, and maybe I didn't notice. Ears also did not notice. Eyes small (relative to the head – D. N.).


1989 the summer camp Festival near the town of Rakov (Belarus). July 6 before lunch, the leader of the squad № 7 Natalia Malyshkina took the children for a walk. Stopped in a forest clearing. Children were running and playing. The pupil of the fourth class of the Minsk school № 60 Ruslan Lutsky went to the forest to pick blueberries. Soon he was in a panic ran back. Pale, very frightened, Ruslan said that he had seen the bogeyman, tall, overgrown with thick hair. It was vaguely like a human.

Almost all children, extremely curious, rushed over there, where he returned to the clearing from the forest Ruslan. Has not passed also several minutes as they screeched ran in great terror back. And he cried, turning to the pioneer:

— We have seen the bogeyman! We are afraid of! Let's go back to summer camp. We never come to this place!

The Minsk correspondent of the monthly newspaper, after learning about the incident, rushed to the summer camp Festival. There he interviewed witnesses and published their stories in his newspaper.

Witnesses — fourth graders Vitalik Morev, Valia Borozna, Ira of Straghalis, Pasha of Woden and many others believe that they "met an alien". Some of them say they saw it in full view, the majority — only the head, which protruded from behind the trees. Monster, according to them, was incredibly tall, overgrown blond hair, no nose, growling like a bear.

Preserved dictaphone recording of the conversation of the correspondent with the kids (the Internet is not found). During the meeting were distributed in such notice, remarks: "In the sky was propecia like a siren, and overhead hobgoblin suddenly appeared a black plate...," "In the air hung a round mirror and peak...", "Over the neighboring camp "solar" hung "flying saucer"...", "Mirror in the sky was glowing yellow lights, it cut down the smoke..."

And here is the story of Ruslan, who saw the monster first:

— I sat and ate blueberries. Suddenly something rattled. I thought it was you guys fooling around, and said, "Guys, play nicely". And then again began to knock. I again said, "Guys, play nicely". Then something was growling — like a bear, but with the bubbling. I turned around, and there is a monster sitting on his haunches and staring at me. Bent, and his face was a foot from my face. It was staring me in the face.

I also looked at him, stunned and bewildered. Who is it? Where is he so terrible come from? I was sick, then it dawned on me that we should get out of here, and I ran at full speed away. While I was running, I flowed the sweat from horror. And heart was beating so that I heard it...

When I began to run away from bogeymen, it stood up, took one step behind me. And handed me his hand. I ducked, and it abruptly took my hand... On the run I looked back and saw that the monster goes into the forest in the opposite direction.

Ruslan described the appearance of a horrible stranger so:

— An increase of almost three and a half meters. Covered in thick gray-brown fur. Naked. The head is large, like a human. Neck no. The head seemed to be connected with the body. The nose was not. Ears I didn't notice. Of the eye relative to the head — very small.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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