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The Alien. Russia

ID #1503250728
Added Sun, 20/08/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Rostovskaya oblast

The story was published in the book ufologist Aleksey Prime "the twentieth century. Chronicle of the unexplained". The researcher personally met with the main character of this story, a resident of Rostov-on-don Sergey Chapaevym, and thorough in documenting his extraordinary story.

According to friends of Sergei, who at the time of the incident was 20 years old, it was a modest, charming young man who never lied, discussing certain events in his life. But once he began to tell weird things. Very, you know, weird.

Late evening in July 1990, kupaev was lying down on the bed, turned on the audio and listen to music. The lamp hanging under the ceiling, shone with a steady light. Suddenly the lamp went out, and the tape itself off.

"Fuse must have blown," thought Sergey, taking his legs off the bed onto the floor.

He straightened to his full height and stood like a pillar in place. The room in which he right now was, had disappeared. Instead of her usual walls came round just the other wall. Kupaev was standing exactly in the center of the vast hall. Floor of the hall was laid out in a checkerboard pattern of large square tiles of white and dark gray. Tiles shining weakly, as smeared with phosphorus. As weak scattered light emanated from the walls. Opposite the boys stretched along the walls of the long narrow white ribbon "table" with numerous buttons on it. On the background of the table stood three figures, each over two meters tall. They were completely black jumpsuits like those worn by the divers. But the most remarkable in their appearance was different. Each head is curled over the shoulder smoky clot, well-defined edges and an oval stretched vertically.

Sergei heard the voice sounded, and spoke directly inside the skull of a young boy. Kupaev was very scared when I heard it. Voice slowly uttering the words boomed in my head a deafening alarm. He beat inside the forehead, temples, back of the head like a bell. The voice growled, as the trumpets of Jericho:

— Come with us.

Where? — asked distractedly kupaev.

In a good place.


— It should be. It is in your best interests.

— I'm afraid.

— Don't be afraid. All will be well. Flew. Well, do you agree?

Sergey did not hurry to answer. He thought, standing confused in the center of a strange room, not knowing what to say. The voice repeated with insinuating persistence:

— Come with us! You will be fine with us.

— And you're not lying?

— No. Will be very good. Kupaev puzzled rubbed his hand on his chin.

— Don't want to fly, — he said firmly, taking the decision.

— And yet we demand that you agreed to go with us, let loose with a booming voice growled.

— Do not want! Sergei clenched his fists. — I don't want to. Let me go home.

A bright flash of light blinded the young man. He quietly gasped, shielding his eyes, and when he promorgali, relief breathed. He sat on the edge of the bed in his room, for some reason, outstretched outstretched legs to the sides. Reels on the tape recorder slowly revolved, the faint sound of music soothingly caressed the ear, and the light from the ceiling shone in full strength.

Within two days after this incident, Sergey kupaev suffered from headaches. A week later still the same incredibly loud voice, as if speaking into a megaphone, woke Kupaeva the dead of night. Hearing him, the young man tightly closed his eyes, terrified. Voice zabuhal bell in his brain, said:

Is again we. Flew with us.

Sergei was silent.

The — fly. Agree.

The young man remained silent.

— You have no idea what amazing adventures refuse.

Silence in response.

— We'll get back to you — said the voice with a threatening, as it seemed Kupaeva, intonation. And stalled.

Like last time, Sergei woke up this morning with a strong headache. And after a couple of weeks there was a new contact, the latest in a series of three attempts to persuade Kupaeva to emigrate from Earth to God knows where. In the night some alien force literally threw Sergei out of bed and threw it, instantly awakened, to the window.

Outside the window hung in the sky "flying saucer" in the form of a biconcave lens with tapered ends. Around it glowed an aura that resembled a brown color. Kupaev insists on his definition of the color of the areola.

He says:

For the first time in my life I saw a bright light it brown... But much more stunned more. I was standing sideways to the window and simultaneously saw a "saucer" in the sky outside the window and... his own body lying in the room on the bed. A familiar voice growled:

Immediately flew with us!

— Never fly — cut in response Sergey.

Is your final decision?


Okay. But remember: after some time we will come again and will still take you with me. The circumstances of your life will then be such that you will be forced to agree.

An invisible force pushed Kopaeva from the window. Jerky marionette step he walked across the room back to the bed and... lay down in his own body, lying in the free position on the bed. And then lost consciousness. Was there something about Sergei in the later years, unfortunately, remained unknown.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The state of sleep and dreams

Sleep is a natural physiological process of stay in a condition with minimal level of brain activity and reduced reaction to the world around us.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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