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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1507025278
Added Tue, 03/10/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
United States

In America, increasingly strange celestial phenomenon in the form of geometric shapes, which is contrary to the laws of physics in reference to natural phenomena, such as clouds. Although, according to some researchers of the paranormal, and the clouds often shown themselves to be intelligent creatures.

However, judge for yourself, no sooner had the Americans scared of the huge translucent rectangular (surprisingly) fantastic object in the sky that appeared here not so long ago, as you – a new mysterious "gift". Now in the state of Louisiana formed a strange huge shadow in the sky once again in the form of a triangle with a well - "defined" sides, which is unnatural to nature. But still with the same unnatural light.

Many Americans, frightened by the recent hurricanes and earthquakes that was considered a sign of an approaching natural disaster. Others remembered the mysterious planet and threatening the planet Nibiru, which conspiracy theorists scare the inhabitants of the Earth for some time now (and it is, well, not flies). Others thought about the alien Armada, because their ships are supposedly there to capture our planet – and it will happen first in the US (at least Americans think so, based on their terrible sci-Fi movies).

Whatever it is, and the black triangle in the sky actually looks mysterious and horrible, especially when you consider that scientists, meteorologists to explain its intelligible can not. And all the fables about cold and warm air flows already today, few people are convinced...

One only has to notice that the mysterious celestial phenomena are observed today in many parts of the world (see video below). Conspiracy theorists, for example, attribute this to the work of the project HAARP was built in Alaska is unknown for what purpose, rather, not those that are officially announced. For example, this may be a project of reptiles to strengthen the protective field of the Earth, created them once (about 13 thousand years ago) in order to cut off the people's minds from the information Bank of the Universe, making us virtually defenseless zombie slaves. Recently, however, that the field began to thin because of the awakening of people's consciousness, enhance clean energy. That has anunnaku urgent to patch this "protective shield". Hence, all the strangeness in the sky. However, according to these researchers, the reign of reptiles is coming to an end and will not save them any projects like HAARP. But because be afraid of today's "heavenly signs" is more afraid of themselves anunnaku...

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Twilight and protivoallergennye rays

Bright Sun breaking through the clouds can be mistaken for UFOs. This version also includes various celestial bodies (Sun, Moon, stars), whose fragments are visible through uneven cloud, and the reflection of light from them on the clouds, which may be perceived as separate objects.

Crepuscular rays - the name of the rays of sunlight that pass through gaps in clouds or other objects to form the visible "light pillars" or "waves". Crepuscular rays are visible due to the fact that the region of space with sunlit air separated clearly from the shaded space.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Probably, this effect is caused by shadow (something triangular, for example, cloud, roof, etc., covers the Sun).

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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