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Yeti. United States

ID #1508325682
Added Wed, 18/10/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
озеро Авокадо
United States

News about the meeting with a snow man came from Sunny California (USA). American Jeffrey Gonzalez, an expert in paranormal phenomena, as he calls himself, said he heard about strange creatures from a local farmer. He saw five beings running through his ranch near lake Avocados in California, according to citing Fox News.

"One of them, which was extremely high, carried on the shoulder of the pig," said Gonzalez. "With him there were five other similar creatures. The one who was carrying the pig ran so fast that he didn't notice the pipe from the irrigation system, tripped, and pig flew forward."

The footprint of the strange creatures visible in the photo of the crash site.

According to his Facebook page, Gonzalez is the leading talk show and an investigator in the center for the study of the paranormal, in addition to main job as a technician at the company "AT & T". He also founded the Paranormal society of the city of Sanger.

Gonzalez said that the situation is not so unusual because for the last five years people have seen "Bigfoot" three times only in the district East of Fresno.

Also, he told about the other two stories. So, one woman said that her sons saw Bigfoot in his garden. Another person also saw five similar creatures in the same garden.

"What are the chances that three people who don't know each other, come and tell me that they saw Bigfoot in the territory with a radius of 2-3 miles, and their testimony is the same?", Gonzales said.

Photos from lake Avocados resemble the famous Patterson film footage-Gimlin 1960-ies.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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