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Poltergeist. Poland

ID #1519808142
Added Wed, 28/02/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Тужа Великая в городе Дзялдово

It all started in the village of Turza Wielka (Great Tuzha in the city of działdowo, Poland) at the end of November 2017 and the victim of the poltergeist became family Pukropski (Pokropskich) - Christina, her husband Casimir and their four children: son Kacper, daughter of Martin and very small twins Adam and eve. In the old two-story house, which formerly housed the village school, lived with three families and Pokrovsky apartment was under the roof. They quietly lived there for 15 years. But that all changed on the evening of 23rd November.

First, there was a strange knock, and then collected in one place the old batteries rolled off the shelves of the Cabinet. The next day was even worse, themselves started to fly different small things and get into people.

"We felt cursed. In the air floated batteries, coins, toys, old clothes, even knives. We were terrified," says Christine Pokrovsky.

They tried to call a priest, but who came at 11 PM the priest could do nothing to appease the violent spirit or spirits, despite the fact that he spoke many prayers. The family is now not able to stand the night in this apartment. Christina with husband and kids quick have collected the most necessary things and ran away. For some time the family lived with relatives, then moved to the shelter of Caritas in działdowo.

Subsequent interviews Christina journalists it became clear what could have caused the poltergeist attack. It turned out that shortly before the beginning of the riot paranormal forces family bought a used couch from their neighbors. Can be a sofa to Pokrovsky moved a neighbor's house and he didn't like the new place? One way or another, but the sofa was almost immediately thrown out, and "unwelcome tenant" will not go away. Things throwing poltergeist the strongest impression poltergeist apparently made for 12-year-old Martin. The girl was so frightened that for some time couldn't even go to school.

The Chairman of the village of Turza Wielka, Waskowiak comment by Greg Baker said in an interview that he was not in the ill-fated apartment, as was afraid to go there. But he had heard stories about it from those who have been there and believe their word. According to people in the apartment felt an evil force and there's really move things through the air.

The journalist tried to find out the history of the house and found out that 100 years ago there was a country school, and long before Pokrovsky in their apartment lived a kind old German by the name of stern. However, he was associated with the funeral Affairs, in charge of the results of land for graves in the cemetery. It is also reported that stern at the time, was killed by soldiers of the Soviet army. As one elderly woman said that a year ago in this house have seen the Ghost of a little girl. About it told her someone local and he said it all happened because of a girl who once lived with his family in this house.

"People say that this girl decided once to play the game of "summoning spirits" and play to what caused the Ghost of the other girls that chased after her".

Found out that the family in which she lived, the girl described did exist, but had long left the village and even district. Their traces were lost, but the family Pokrovsky remembered this family. At the shelter of Caritas in działdowo family Pokrovsky lived until December 4, and then decided to return to his apartment, arguing that the incident died down and everything calmed down. But it was not there. Just a few days they managed to live quietly, and then in family members Pokrovsky something threw a glass dish and later on the toilet seat in the toilet found two crossed knives.

"December 7, it all began with new force, - says Christina Pokrovsky, Fell from their seats a few things, and again the knives flew in the air. Then the glass with the force flew into the room and crashed".

Knives on the toilet scared family stronger flying things and broken glassware. Now they were sure that the goal of the excesses of the spirits is to kick people out of this apartment. The only hope of the family continued to call the exorcist, which was to perform the rite of exorcism. Esorcista called Korzeniecki Leszek (Leszek Korzeniecki), he works as a pastor in the Catholic Church of węgorzewo. Within the hour he had a conversation with family members Pokrovsky and prayed with them. According to the pastor, he often has to deal with such phenomena.

Jesus is the master of this house, was repeated loudly by the pastor, - All the demons have to leave here.

Meeting and prayer the pastor made such an impression on Pukropski that they said that so motivated and determined that now will not run away from this house and that Evil is defeated. Surprisingly, the visit of the exorcist really worked new outbreaks in this apartment is not observed. The press has also reported that pastor again before Christmas and again read prayers. Just in case.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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