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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. Russia

ID #1521104515
Added Thu, 15/03/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Volgogradskaya oblast

An eyewitness account:

In the late 1960-ies we lived in the city of Volgograd. And that's what history happened there with my older sister. I also witnessed these events, so tell you without embellishment or distortion.

My sister then divorced and left with two children, exchanged apartment to live separately from her husband. As a result of the exchange she got a small one-bedroom apartment on the ground floor, but in the center of Volgograd. When my sister moved, I helped her carry stuff from the car to the apartment and noticed that my grandmother, sitting on a bench near the entrance, talking among themselves.

- Again in this apartment for new tenants to call in, - one noticed.

- Yes, very frequently, shakes her head the second.

I won't be able to call new as it is already moving out again. I was somewhat alarmed by these words. I relayed the conversation grandmothers sister. But she shrugged,

- You never know what the grannies on the bench talking! Believe them anymore. And people have all sorts of circumstances happen. Reasons for moving are different.

I calmed down and soon forgot the conversation. But as it turned out, circumstances forcing people to move out of the apartment, was very unpleasant.

It's only been a few days. And suddenly resorts to us my sister is not herself, frightened eyes, and says that her night was something terrible. What happened was this.

Put it in the evening the kids to bed: the little son in a cot, and a daughter, who was seven years old, laid on the sofa with him. She has long tinkered in the kitchen washing the dishes, tidying. When finished, it was midnight. Finally, also went to bed. She did not sleep, suddenly hears the front door open and someone entered the apartment. My first thought was that I forgot to close the front door. But then he remembered that just closed not only on key, but the latch, which is installed by the former owners. Listened - in a tiny hallway and it was silent again.

Sister warily listened for a few minutes -nothing. And as soon as she calmed down, thinking that it all seemed to her, when suddenly from the hallway I heard terrible steps. It seemed like there is a huge and very heavy man in the iron boots. Each step shook the floorboards, those plaintive creak. While it was an incredible roar!

Heart sisters were cringing in fear in a breath. She could not move even a finger. Invisible "iron man," meanwhile, slowly, went through their room to the kitchen (this was the layout of the apartment that the kitchen was accessible only through the room). While the guest is still rumbled with their heavy boots. These heavy steps woke her daughter and fearfully whispered: - Mom, who is this? And sisters from fear, even it were taken away.

And "iron man" has gone into their tiny kitchen and, apparently, hurt in the crowded pan, which sister recently washed and, turning upside down, and put for drying on the stove, and on top put the lid. This is the lid off the pan and started rolling on the floor. Coming out of torpor, sister jumped up and turned on the light. Then all was quiet. No footsteps, no roar. Sister peered into the kitchen - no one! Just lying on the floor of the lid from the pan, right out the window the moon is full. Sister went to the window, checked - closed. Examined the front door is locked and the latch. What was it? You had a dream! In the morning when my sister and her children came out of the apartment, a neighbor in the stairwell asked: - Who are you night Topal? The roar was such that we all woke up.

Sister barely made a surprised face and said that heard nothing, slept soundly. Afraid to tell the truth. Daughter also asked when they went out: - Mom, who is terrible went we night? Why didn't you tell my aunt? Sister told her that there was nothing. Is you were dreaming, ' she said daughter. - No this is not a dream tell me. In those years, we've heard a little about poltergeists, aliens and the like. During such conversations could declare crazy. Because the sister and my mom forbade anyone to tell about this incident.

The next day my sister sent the children to my mother, and I was invited to go and spend some time with her. However, the night passed quietly, no one went and rattled "iron boots". After that, it took quite a lot of those good nights. We have already decided that the visit really invisible just imagined. But once it all was the same, and exactly as was told by the sister. The fear I felt then - not to transfer! Was the overall impression that the apartment is iron man heavy, thundering footsteps. Fear has gripped such that neither I nor the sister could not move. And only when all was quiet, we gained the ability to move or speak. Again, checked all the locks on the doors and Windows were all closed. In the apartment no one except the two of us, it was not. To sleep, of course, that night we were not able to. And in the morning my sister ran in the Bureau of exchange of apartments and soon urgently have traded in their "bad housing" at the apartment in the factory area. The place was worse, but my sister would agree to anything, but would quickly move.

Since then many years have passed. I have gone from Volgograd. Sister do not see each other often, but always at the meeting, remember that "iron man" and his heavy foot. It was not know until now.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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