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Yeti. United States

ID #1521800219
Added Fri, 23/03/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
река Биг-Мадди
United States

"Killing dogs known characteristic of a Sasquatch. For this, they long to chase the dog and follow her. Most often, when dogs smell them, they run away or tuck tail from fear, but the dog that is not afraid to enter into battle with sasquatches may be cruelly maimed or killed. Some of these dogs were found torn apart and all traces pointed to the fact that it was made by sasquache", - these words belong to one of the members of the American Association of researchers of Bigfoot (Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization - BFRO).

Sometimes Bigfoot kill dogs in order to elude his pursuers, and sometimes to eat them. Someone can say that the dogs would attack the wolves, but the Bigfoot researchers are sure that it was the elusive humanoid cryptids.

In 1973, in the same Illinois, where in the early 40's and had seen a baboon animal, near the same river big muddy observed a large Bigfoot, covered with long white hair. Maybe old and gray. All observations were made by the residents of the city of Murfreesboro and was recorded by the police.

Later, the cryptozoologist Loren Coleman was able to get copies of these records. One report described how to spot Bigfoot arrived the cynologist Jerry Nellis, the dog. There was much trampled vegetation, as if there were something big. The dog quickly picked up someone's trail and led the dog handler and the police down the hill.

From time to time on the way dogs and people had really strange dark slime, lying on the grass. When one of the officers rubbed a bit of mucus with your fingers, his fingers were dark. And every time on the way across the slime, the dog started behaving very restlessly. In the report it was stated that the dog held the people down the hill, and then to the pond, walked around the pond and headed towards the forest. At one point, the dog became very hard to pull the handler, but it was impossible to descend was too steep embankment.

In this area left to check police with flashlights and canine and the dog moved to a different zone to the South, which also saw the creature. There is also a dog picked up a trail and he took her to the old barn. But as soon as the dog ran into the barn, as here, as if something very nabegavshis jumped back. Officer Nash and canine Nellis air force base searched the barn but found nothing and did not understand what scared the dog.

According to Nellis, the dog was trained to look for the smell and don't back down and she never refused to look for something in the buildings. In the area the police never found any more traces of Bigfoot.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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