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Land creatures. United Kingdom

ID #1522227455
Added Wed, 28/03/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
United Kingdom

This incident occurred in October 1943, during the German bombing of London.

While civilians hid in their homes and bomb shelters, in the streets there were groups of people organizations the ARP (Air Raid Precautions). Their task was to search out locations of the bombings, to eliminate fire, track, unexploded ordnance, assist victims, and so on. In one of these groups was a man by the name of Howard Leland. One day, almost beside him exploded shell and Howard tried to hide from the new bomb throwing himself into the nearest dilapidated basement of an abandoned house.

It was night and for a while Howard waited for the RAID, and on top of him from close explosions rained cement and plaster. But here all was quiet and to look around Howard turned on his flashlight. He saw that is dusty and dirty room, led up an old staircase. Suddenly Howard felt that he was like someone watching. This feeling quickly escalated into a thick and sticky fear. Howard thought that something is at the top of the stairs and looked back with a flashlight. And he saw a creature very scary looking. In General, it was like a very large cat with glowing red eyes and large horns growing on his head.

Later Howard told me that in his sense is the creation, literally, "emits waves of pure evil", and looking fixedly at the man, bright eyes had the effects of a hypnotic nature and Howard fell into a state similar to a trance. Howard sat and watched in a trance at the beast, then the creature jumped off the stairs to the man and at that moment unearthly howl swept through the empty room.

From the sound of this howling Howard woke up and saw in the basement, ran the men from his squad. It turns out they have long sought it. Howard told them about the terrible animal, but none of run not seen this beast, the creature seemed to have vanished into thin air with the appearance of other people. But later, to his great surprise, Howard has heard that it is very similar creature was seen in the same area and other people. Howard Leland was in so much pain from shock after this incident that came to clairvoyant-psychic John Pendragon.

He told him that in the house where Howard saw the terrible creature, previously was a occultist, and that for their dark rituals he allegedly used cats, bringing them to the victim. Then he went crazy and hanged himself and then many people had seen near the house a huge black cat. According to Pendragon, a being that saw Howard, is a kind of elemental spirit or demon that took the form of a cat due to the terrible cases of violence against cats, what happened in this house.

The strange case of Howard Leland was described in detail in the book "Pendragon" (1963) and the book of researcher of anomalous phenomena, brad Steiger "Strange cats" ("Cats Bizarre") published in 1993.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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