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Werewolf. Russia

ID #1522652811
Added Mon, 02/04/2018
Author Zet

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Voronezhskaya oblast

This story was told to me, Mikhail Ivanovich:

I was then 24 years old. I lived then, before the wedding, in the village of Crimobile that in the Voronezh region. Our house was the last on the street.

I came back from the club late at night. The girl was off. Spring was already in full swing, the air is pure, the Moon shines full. Go, enjoy life. Suddenly I hear a clatter somewhere in the back, as the hoofs of the what. Before she could turn around, I back the pig jumped the real. I was scared, and she clung to me and began to adjust as the rider's horse.

Grandmother usually said that in such cases the prayer to read Nada, and I, as an evil, all flew out of my head. Barely found the strength to cross. As he did the second pig coverem I rolled a ball of fire rolled into the yard. They say the witch lives.

That's the story. Not really then in witches they believed in. But it is feared by all. Rumors in the village walked a lot. For example, that she could come into the yard to the neighbors and then the cow needs milked, or got sick. Man that could turn into an animal and walk around the village. Now, it looks like that almost happened to me. And another neighbor told me that saw her thrown through the knife stuck in the door, turned into a black cat. He pulled out door knife and roommate was a few days until he stuck the knife back. He said that one day someone in his yard he saw a strange cat, threw the ax, touched the cat, and the neighbor that a few days not leaving the house. Then when he appeared, she had a bandaged hand.

About all these rumors, of course I can't say that's true - I do not see it. But what happened here is I will not lie.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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