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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy


Added Wed, 05/10/2016
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Since ancient times, there were myths and legends about people who can transform themselves or transform others into different animals (sometimes objects).

Belief in werewolves play a prominent role in folk tales and distributed around the globe. In different countries the most common animals to transform was the beasts of prey, for example:

  • The werewolf or volkodlak — lycanthrope in Slavic mythology.
  • A kitsune is a shape-shifting Fox in Japanese mythology.
  • Tanuki — raccoon dog.
  • Anita — people-leopards.
  • The rougarou is a man with a wolf's head, or "hybrid" dog, a pig, a cow or even a chicken (usually white).
  • Selkies — people-seals in the Celtic mythology.

All of these stories and peoples of all races are very similar.

The transformation of man into animal is a very common theme in the mythologies of different peoples of the world, which is known since ancient times. People are usually "transformed" into an animal, the most dangerous in the area.
For example, many of the discovered drawings "stone age" represent the image of hybrids of animals and humans. Have depicted creatures encountered bestial features bison, deer, horses, cats, bats, kangaroos, the appearance of birds, lizards, fish. The oldest statue of this creature – man with a cat's head was found in Germany and dates back to 32 thousand years ago.

One of the earliest sources mentioning about werewolves, are considered to be Greek myths. They say about Lycaon, the king, who offered Zeus a dish of human flesh; the angry thunder turned Lycaon into a wolf.
And in the ethnic culture of the North American Indians appeal to the animal-totem tribe is an indicator of a higher fusion with the spirit of an ancestor. In Scandinavia it was believed that the Berserkers are able to spread in the bears and wolves.

Among the Slavic traditions, in addition to folklore, it is possible to remember "the Word about Igor's regiment", which describes the seizure of Novgorod by Vseslav of Polotsk and the battle on the Nemiga. Vseslav it presents a witch and a werewolf.

The myth about werewolves had spread almost all Nations and embraced as the wild animals which are feared in a particular locality, and home, which was close to the person. He became the most famous since the beginning of the middle ages and until the 16th century, its prevalence began to fade.

Now a rare mention sometimes found in modern urban legends and the true stories, but in the last 60 years, this myth is associated mainly with the activities of sorcerers and shamans.

We should also consider werewolves in modern culture. Here werewolves are one of the most popular types of supernatural creatures. Sometimes works with their participation even belong to a particular sub-genre of science fiction. Historical roots of contemporary fiction about werewolves are considered Gothic literature of the eighteenth century, and American budget the journals of the early XX century. The first film in which appears anthropomorphic werewolf — "werewolf of London" 1935.
At the moment on the subject of werewolves written many books (for example, "the Sacred book of the werewolf", "Watch"), this image has been used in numerous computer games (like "Nightlife" and "Werewolf: The Apocalypse") and movies (e.g., "Twilight" and "the Brothers Grimm"). The werewolves are both positive and negative characters.

Often in modern fiction the plot is based around the fact that vampires and werewolves are mortal enemies and fight each other (thus, one of the variants of a deadly weapon for a vampire is a werewolf bite). Perhaps this story went from the submissions that vampires can't be positive characters, and werewolves can (although in modern culture it also works in reverse, for example in the movie "Another world"). To find the original source of the story about the war of werewolves and vampires have not yet succeeded.

However themselves vampires has long been considered a werewolf (turning into bats, mist, etc.), similar, for example, is mentioned in the classic novel about vampires, Bram Stoker's "Count Dracula". Thus, the vampirism and lycanthropy – the signs inherent in supernatural beings, and are not mutually exclusive.

Despite the vast scope of stories about werewolves, in geographical and cultural terms, they have a number of common characteristics.

In the view of people werewolves are divided into two types:

  • Voluntary transformation (witches, shamans, etc.)
  • Charmed (people who began circulating after some action on the part of the sorcerer, shaman, or by infection)

There are a number of actions attributed to the shifters (such as werewolves):

  • induces hunger;
  • sucking blood from people and dogs;
  • takes an image of a beautiful guy and forces a young widow to join him in the mating connection;
  • kills the victim, tearing them to pieces.

External signs are also observed in common:

  • the body is covered with hair and fully or partially resembles the body of the animal;
  • moves on four legs and behaves like an animal;
  • it is considered that werewolves can possess many extraordinary abilities (beyond the capabilities of not only human but also animal): supernatural strength, agility and speed, long life, night vision etc.

People's imagination with bright colors draws the image of the werewolf: yellowish, pitted with deep wrinkles face, disheveled, hair standing on end; red, bloodshot eyes; covered in blood to the elbows; the iron teeth – the jet-black; a bluish mustache and saggy skin on the body – here the appearance of the werewolf.

Also in some cultures it was believed that the werewolf retains the human mind and essence, changing only the appearance.

The transformation into a werewolf was accompanied by various rituals: jumping through a Hoop or belt, making certain tinctures, smearing special cream or heap a special, enchanted skins.
Initially it was thought that to kill a werewolf can be, dealing him a mortal wound, for example, hitting in the heart or beheaded. The wounds of a werewolf in animal form, and remain on his human body. This way you can expose the werewolf in the living individual: if the wound caused to the beast, later will appear – this person is the werewolf.

In the modern tradition to kill werewolf it is possible, as many other evil, with a silver bullet or silver weapon. While traditional antivampire means in the form of garlic, Holy water, aspen stake and against werewolves is not effective. But in the early twentieth century appeared the idea of the connection of werewolves with plants, the fighter (another name for Aconite, "wolfsbane root", "volkovoy", "dog's death"). Historically, hunters used the extract of this poisonous plants for lubrication of arrowheads and spears when hunting predators (including wolves), and later the damning properties moved and werewolves. Although sometimes (for example, in the movie "the wolf Man" 1941) an affair with a werewolf can be traced only as an indication of the time of transformation: a werewolf turns from a human into a wolf only at certain times of the year when blooms herb Aconite.

After the death of the beast in the last times turns into a man.

The phenomenon of transformations known for a long time. He found echoes in the legends that tell of the brave soldiers who fought without fear and with unprecedented force. Terrified the villagers, who feared to be the victim of a witch or a werewolf. And even now sometimes POPs up in the tales of giant dogs, talking animals, etc. But these stories and legends now undergo a change in definitions – what used to be called the antics of the werewolf, now can call, for example, "the creature".

The man left the animal fear of the unknown, so most of the stories about werewolves find eternal life in the pages of books or on the screen.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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A creature from the folklore of the African people of Ewe (Togo and Ghana). A man (probably a sorcerer) taking the form of a firefly. He is able to seep through any crack and even pass through walls to suck the blood of sleepers at night. Victims of this usually get sick and die. Although according to some sources it is believed that if a person survives after this, he becomes a witch or a sorcerer.

If you grab him, he will acquire a human form.

Ak bure

A character of the Turkic-Tatar and Turkic-Mongolian mythology; the first ancestor (totemic ancestor) and the leader of the Turks. Literally a white wolf. The image of Ak Bure goes back to the image of the Gray Wolf (Borte-Chino), common to the Turkic-Mongolian peoples.

Some ancient Turkic genealogical legends have been preserved in ancient Chinese sources. According to one of them, the Tug-yu people come from the So tribe, who once lived to the north of the Hunnu tribes. The eldest of 70 brothers, Tug-yu – Nishidu, was born from a she-wolf.


In Tuvan and Altai mythology, an analogue of a witch, a local variety Albasts. 


A demonic character in the mythology of the Turkic and some neighboring peoples.


A generic term for various shape-shifting evil creatures in Filipino folklore, such as vampires, ghouls, witches, suckers of entrails, and werewolf beasts (usually dogs, cats, pigs). Despite the absence of any special motives other than harming others, their behavior can be interpreted as an inversion of traditional Filipino values. Aswang is especially popular in the Visayas, southern parts of Luzon and parts of Mindanao, including Capiz.

The aswang

In Philippine folklore the so-called woman, who, having smeared with a special ointment, turns into a big black bird flies over the villages with a distinctive cry of "kakak" or "I", and selecting the house of the future victim (usually a sick person, a pregnant woman or child ), with her tongue, hollow inside, puncture the jugular vein and drink all the blood.

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In Japan, it is believed that a long-tailed cat can become a werewolf over time. They can take the form of the deceased or inhabit his body. But even without this, the animal can walk on its hind legs and talk.In human form, bakeneko demonstrate superhuman flexibility, mobility and cunning.


Mythological character of the peoples Carpathians (Hungarians, Romanians, Slavs), a witch or sorcerer with vampire traits. It can be recognized by the tail on the trunk, on the head or behind the ear. 

The word has Hungarian origin, in Hungarian it, in turn, could have come from the Turkic languages, cf. Turk. basyrkan — "nightmare". In Hungarian, Weng. boszorkány, boszorka — "witch", "sorceress", "spirit of the deceased", "bogeyman", "night ghost"


In Jewish folklore, a witch is a werewolf, sucking blood from people. Broxa could change her shape as she wanted. Sometimes she was described as a spirit devoid of flesh, sometimes — on the contrary, as a creature of flesh.

In the medieval Portugal Brox was considered a shape—shifting entity-a witch in female form and a demon in male form. It has been suggested that this creature originated from the same Jewish mythical creature. 

Sometimes the option is indicated that this is a bird that sucks goat's milk at night, and sometimes human blood.


In mythology Latin America and Portugal, an exclusively female being, into which a woman who was engaged in witchcraft during her lifetime turns after death.

According to another version, this is a werewolf witch. During the day, it is impossible to distinguish her from an ordinary woman (sometimes even married). At night, she turns into a ghost bird, attacks people and sucks their blood. It is impossible to kill Brooks.


In the beliefs of the Altaians and Tuvinians a werewolf who can turn into animals is at dusk, causes sickness and nightmares.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


In the mythology of Medieval Europe, a man capable of turning into a wolf.

Werewolf itself comes from the Anglo-Saxon wer — "man, husband" and wolf — wolf.​‌‌​‌‌​ ​‌‌‌​‌‌ ​​‌

The first time the word werewolf is used in England during King Cnut (the first half of the XI century), however, based on the context, in it a werewolf is rather a devil than, in fact, a werewolf.


A creature from African folklore. People are werewolves who can turn into hyenas. For some reason, hereditary blacksmiths have such a gift. It is characteristic that these werewolves often keep the jewelry they wore when they were human. These creatures are suspected of midnight desecration of graves.

Bouda is the name of a vergien in Ethiopia, Sudan, Tanzania and Morocco

Bultungin is the name of vergien in Nigeria, literally "turning into a hyena"

Hyenodlaci — Czech name Vergien


In Slavic mythology (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Eastern Poles and Russians in the southern regions), a man is a werewolf, for a certain time taking the image of a wolf. He keeps his mind, but he can't speak. The transformation occurred more often at night or at certain times of the year.

In Russian beliefs, the character was more often called a werewolf, the image has a clear resemblance to a wolfman. South Slavic representations mix volkolaks with ghouls (vampires).


The creature from the Belarusian folklore (from the Belarusian "woozh" — "uzh") is the daughter of the Snake King.

This is a half-girl and half-snake, but in addition to their usual appearance, they can also turn into a girl or into a snake completely. You can distinguish such a snake by gold earrings (yellow dots on the head). She can show a treasure trove of snakes. 


This is a mythological character of Romanian mythology, a demon associated with eclipses of the luminaries, sometimes a werewolf or a vampire.

Vârcolac (rum. vârcolac) is a mythological character of Romanian mythology, a demon associated with eclipses of the luminaries. Other variants of the name: vîrcolac, vîrgolăc, vîrcolak, svîrcolak, zvîrcolac, vălcolak. The word is a fairly ancient borrowing from the Early Bulgarian vrkolak — "a werewolf, a vampire, a creature causing eclipses."


The galipot dog is called "lou-garou", from the French word meaning wolf-man.

Lugaru (book), rougarou (French Loup-garou (wolf-werewolf), variants: Rougarou, Roux-Ga-Roux, Rugaroo, Rugaru) is a kind of folklore werewolves, representing a man with a wolf's head or "hybrids" of a man with dogs, pigs, cows or even chickens (usually white).

A flying galipot is called a sangano or sanku. They suck the blood out of sleeping children at night.

They can influence the will of animals and force them to do their errands. And they also have the ability to become invisible.


Werewolf of Arabic, Persian and Turkic mythology. Usually depicted as a creature with a hideous appearance and donkey hooves, which do not disappear under any transformations.

In pre-Islamic folklore, ghouls, werewolves, living in the desert, along the roads, preying on travelers who kill and then devour. Also steal children, drink blood, steal coins, Rob graves and eat the corpses. Constantly change shape, transform into animals, especially hyenas, and young attractive women. In Islam, the huli are one of the subspecies of Jinn and the offspring of Iblis.


A creature from Japanese mythology. This is a three-meter werewolf spider, turning into a beautiful girl. She seduces young and beautiful men, and then kills them, making food supplies like an ordinary spider. The creature lives for half a thousand years.

The name Yorogumo translates from Japanese literally as "spider-whore" or "entangling a newly married woman."


In Japanese mythology, this is a werewolf "male fox". Jinko is considered a fox who has turned into a man or, sometimes, even a man who has been turned into a fox by another kitsune by witchcraft.

As a rule, kitsune is considered a female fox (turning a fox into a woman) and seducing a man, but sometimes a man can also be.


Creature from the Belarusian mythology in the form of a woman that can turn into a Swan. It can attack men and eat their vital energy.

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According to Japanese mythology, weasels or martens who became werewolves upon reaching old age. They are able to transform into other forms and hypnotize a person. To hear their yapping portends great trouble for a person. Gathering together at night, they can cause fire, and climbing on each other's shoulders, they can create a huge pillar of fire that grows into a whirlwind.


According to Peruvian legends, many years ago there were sorcerers, evil sorcerers who awakened the evil spirits of the jungle and formed an alliance with them. Born in evil, they were powerful, but to increase their strength, they needed to drink human blood and eat human meat. Therefore, when they needed to eat, they could transform into animals, into cougars or jaguars, beautiful, graceful black beasts. Thus, they attacked people without fear of weapons or defenders of the tribes, as they were very powerful and strong, because black magic protected them.


In the mythology of China, Japan, Vietnam Korea is a fox that can transform into a human. The ability to take the form of a person appears after reaching a certain age (usually a hundred years, although in some legends — fifty). Usually they take the form of a seductive young girl, but sometimes they turn into men.

In Japanese folklore, these animals have great knowledge, a long life and magical abilities. In folklore, a kitsune is a kind of yokai, that is, a demon. In this context, the word "kitsune" is often translated as "fox spirit". 


A werewolf spider in Japanese and Chinese mythology.

The spider becomes a werewolf and gains magical power after living for more than 400 years. The Kumo spider can reach human size. He is very strong and has an intimidating appearance: a black and gold torso, red eyes burning with fire, and terrible paws with sharp, blade-like stings.


A werewolf from Karelo-Finnish mythology. Kuonolainen, a dog-like creature that hunts people.


A creature from the myths of Native Americans living in Alaska. She is a cross between an otter and a man, but at the same time she is a werewolf and can also appear in the form of a huge wolf or a man with a wolf's head.


La Segou

Creature from the folklore of Nicaragua. This is the view of the werewolf: a creature with a horse skull for a head that can turn into a long haired good looking girl. She seduces the unfaithful and drunken men, and then shows his true identity.

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In Portuguese folklore, they are werewolves who are afraid of the light. Lonesome also have names Louison or Lobizon (from the Portuguese: lobisomem: lobizón, Juicho, Luisón or Luisô).


The demon and predvestnik of death in the folklore of native American peoples in South America. Initially, he lived in cemeteries and eating bodies of dead people. In later representations began to wander the streets and attack people.

Anthropomorphic creature with long black hair that covers most of the body, which looked and smelled like a decaying corpse. Can turn into a wolf under the light of the moon.

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Badgers are werewolves from Japanese mythology.​‌​​​‌ By nature, they are not malicious and not prone to violence, but they like to make fun of the victim and make fun of him.


In Scottish folklore, a sea serpent is a werewolf, sometimes coming ashore in the guise of a decrepit one-eyed old woman. Capable of turning into a beautiful girl and seducing men.

After the

In Japanese folklore, rats, werewolves. In human form: small disgusting people without any moral principles, with excellent scent and vision. Become spies and assassins.

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Neko (Neko, 猫 - yap. "the cat") they call all supernatural cats of Japanese folklore.

It was believed that over time a cat could turn into a werewolf monster and start hunting people. It can also be useful and help the owner, because in Japan the cat is considered a wise, devoted friend and protector.


A modern interpretation of baka-neko in Japanese pop culture. It represents a girl with feline features (for example, ears, tail, eyes, etc., while cat ears can be in addition to human ones), but in general with a human body. Its frequent attribute is bells, which are hung on different parts of the body or perform the functions of hairpins. She has magical abilities or shapeshifting.


In Japanese mythology, a demon is a transvestite who assumes the image of an oversized maidservant in brothels.


The mythological character of the Romanian mythology, a werewolf, able to transform into a wolf or a dog. They were provided with a tail, claws, and covered in wolf fur, they have sharp dog face with long ears, front legs are longer than rear or Vice versa, gray disheveled like the hyena withers. For some ideas, they have one half of the body of a man and the other like an animal (dog, bull, bear, badger). They can look like a big black dog with a white chest or white wolf with a long tail.


Evil demons of Indian mythology, giants, cannibals, night monsters, and werewolves, the inhabitants of the cemeteries, the carrion eaters and the sources of disease. The night of the rakshasas scare people with it dancing around their homes, shouting at the monkey, noisy and laughing loudly, and night flying, taking the form of a bird. They can also take any shape, even a human. Also they have enormous power.

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Rugarou (Rougarou, Roux-Ga-Roux, Rugaroo, Rugaru) is a type of werewolf, representing a man with a wolf's head or a "hybrid" of a man with a dog, pig, cow or even a chicken (only white). The word comes from the French Loup-garou, which means werewolf.

Their body does not transform, but "turns inside out, quickly, without any physical inconvenience and pain." The transformation does not depend on the phases of the moon (either the witch herself takes this form, or sends a curse on a person).


Runamula, according to legend, is a product of unacceptable mixing of blood: this is a creature born from the relationship of a married woman with a priest or from the relationship of people in a family relationship.  

On Tuesday and Friday nights, this monster, most often female, takes the form of a dark, devilish horse or mule, on which sits a rider dressed in all black, this pair gallops through the village all night, terrifying the village with the clatter of hooves, and a devilish flame bursts out of the animal's mouth.


Werewolves are monkeys from Japanese mythology. Turning into humans, monkeys look like elderly people, very intelligent and knowledgeable, but somewhat strange behavior.

They love big companies very much, in some legends they even saved people just to talk to them. They easily get angry, but they quickly move away.


A werewolf from the mythology of the following peoples:  Scandinavians, Irish, French, Germans, Czechs, Karelians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Russians, Karelians, Kalmyks, Komi, Chuvash, Mari, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, yellow Uighurs, Buryats, Oirats, Khalkha Mongols, Chulym Tatars, Altai-Kizhi, Tuvinians, Mansi, Nenets, Evenks, Evens, Orochi, Yukaghirs, Chukchi, shatapatha-brahman.

This is a person (most often a woman) who can turn into a swan.


A creature from Navajo folklore.

Various sources indicate that the original name of Yii Naaldlushii translates as "the one who walks on all fours" or "the one who wears a skin", however, the now popular name "skinwalker" originated from English, from the words skin — "skin", walk — "walk".

These are people (shamans, witches, sorcerers) who are able to transform into an animal using its skin. Some sources say that a witch must kill a member of her own family in order to gain Skinwalker's power.


Skinwalker or skin-walker - a creature from the mythology of the Navajo Indians. In the language of the Navajo III Nalluri translates as "he who wears the skin" or "he who walks on all fours" Is the name of a type of indigenous American witches and warlocks got the ability to morph into an animal, using its skin (usually a coyote, but it could be druoe creature, usually associated with death).

Some sources say that a witch needs to kill a member of his own family to gain power of skinmaker.


In Bulgarian mythology, an eternally living male or female werewolf. They become immured after death (so that the structure does not collapse and stood for centuries in the foundation, it was customary to immure a living person). His restless spirit becomes the guardian of this structure. Day and night he guards the structure, and at night he calls travelers. But this call cannot be answered. Turning into a dog, a cat, a wolf, any other animal, he attacks people on dark nights and strangles them.


Tanuki (Tanuki, 狸 or た)) is a creature from Japanese mythology.

The creature looks like a badger or a raccoon dog. It is not a particularly intelligent, restless creature, unsuccessfully trying to make fun of people. It is believed that by putting leaves on their heads, tanuki can turn into anyone they want.

Some outstanding legendary Tanuki Japanese build temples and worship as gods.

The genitals of the creature with an area of 8 tatami (12 square meters) are a traditional symbol of good luck.


Tunda ( Spanish La Tunda ) is a mythical creature from the Pacific coastal region Colombia and Ecuador, and, in particular, in the Afro-Colombian community of the Choco Department.


Huiña-huilli is a demon from Ecuadorian folklore who transforms into a baby or "guagua" (an infant? it is written as "guagua". It is not very clear what is meant. For example, "guagua" also translates as bus and is even a common name for numerous species of small, white or gray hemipterous insects that attack numerous plants, especially citrus fruits, and destroy them). The creature attacks the selfish, drunk and crooks. It pierces them with sharp claws and teeth, causing severe pain.


In British folklore, small creatures that take the form of a hedgehog.


Animals, having lived for enough years, get the ability to turn into people. Such animals are usually designated by the word "hengeekai". The word itself consists of two parts: yokai (妖怪 ), which can be translated as "magic ghost" or "monster", and henge (変化) "werewolf", "changing".

Usually allocate:


Cranes are werewolves from Japanese mythology. Very rarely they turn into people, in human form they are very kind, cute, beautiful creatures with an all—understanding look. They often take the form of wandering monks and travel in search of those in need of their help. They hate violence.


In Japanese mythology, spiders are diggers who have lived for a long time and turned into demons of monstrous size. They are able to turn into people, manipulate the victim's thoughts, and also seduce young men.

The Leopard Man

Werewolves from the mythology of the African countries of the west coast of Central Africa. Parduses is the name of a clan of leopard people living in St. Louis (L. Hamilton).

Here it is rather not a full-fledged werewolf, but an emerging connection between an animal and a person, in which a person is able to control an animal, and the death of one causes the death of the second. But in the modern world, this is not always the case.


The ghost woman is from the mythology of South Asia and is well known in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. The word "churel" in Hindi is used to colloquially refer to a witch.

Women who die during childbirth or pregnancy due to the negligence of her relatives often turn into churels who return for revenge and suck the blood out of male relatives.

She lives and prowls in places associated with death and sewage.


Pink dolphins are werewolves from Brazilian mythology, living in the waters of the Amazon. At night, they turn into handsome young guys dressed in bright suits of antique cut and large straw hats hiding the blowhole. They go to settlements in search of girls who are able to exert a hypnotic influence and engage in sexual relations.


A creature from the mythology of the Turkic peoples. A dragon capable of changing shape. Most often turns into a beautiful girl and enters into an intimate relationship with a man. If she is caught combing her hair, you can find snake scales on her back, because she takes off her head. 


A werewolf creature from Japanese folklore.

In the Japanese dictionary of 1688, it is said with reference to a Chinese work that yakan is a word applied to a fox by mistake. A yakan is a small animal with a large tail that can climb trees, which a fox cannot. It was also believed that yakan resembles a dog and it was assumed that the word yakan got into Japanese from Buddhist sutras, where it meant "bad animal".


Wallachian folklore the Fox is a werewolf with smoky obsidian fur. Makes you wander through the forest and causes memory lapses. Can turn into a man with a slender body, the gray streak in her hair and odd color eyes (from grassy to almost amber).

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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