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The Alien. Russia

ID #1523613005
Added Fri, 13/04/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Rostovskaya oblast

Viktor Danilovich Burikov, the oldest Rostov journalist, died in 1984 at the age of 80, having been ill for three months. Death occurred as a result of slow, gradual paralysis of the arms, legs, then the heart.

A month before his death, Burikov told friends gathered at his bedside, something like the following:

- Guys, I know that I'm going to die soon, and I have nothing to lose but life. Listen to me carefully. Doctors are wrong. I'm not dying of old age at all, but because I was infected with an unknown disease by aliens. I didn't want to talk about it before, because I hoped to recover. And I didn't want a rumor to spread around the city, saying that I had fallen into senile dementia, I was talking all sorts of delusional nonsense. But I realized that I would not be able to recover. Standing on the threshold of death, I want to tell you about the true reason why I found myself on this threshold.

The "Burikov case" was later investigated by the Rostov researcher of anomalous phenomena Alexey Priyma. He managed to find and interview three of Burikov's acquaintances who were listening to him. All of them in their stories emphasized the fact that, despite his advanced age, Burikov was a man of sharp mind, who had a good memory and enviable clarity of speech.

The interlocutors insisted: until the very last moment, the dying man behaved like a sane person. The journalist described in detail to his friends the place where he met the crew of the flying saucer.

Together with Burikov's relatives, according to his story, he went to the left bank of the Don on that memorable October day in 1984. This coast with its beaches is a traditional place of rest for Rostov residents living on the right bank of the river — on the so-called Rostov hills, where, in fact, the city of Rostov is located. Passing reference: along the endless beach on the left bank of the Don stretches a grove, almost as endless.

The weather was wonderful — it was Indian summer. While his relatives were busy with bags, laying out simple food on the grass, Burikov went for a walk alone in the grove. He passed one clearing in the grove, the second, came out on the third and... gasped! In the middle of the clearing stood, leaning on three thin legs, a disc-shaped aircraft seven or eight meters in diameter. The testimony of the narrators contained clear coordinates of the beach area where Burikov's relatives had a picnic that day.

They also contained a clear orientation of the direction in which Viktor Danilovich, according to him, was moving through the grove until he came across that very clearing and a UFO on it. So, Burikov saw a "flying saucer".

There was an open hatch in her side, from which a short ladder was lowered to the ground. At the same moment, he felt as if his whole body was filled with lead.

"I want to move my arm or leg, but it doesn't work," he later recalled.

The next moment Burikov felt himself being picked up from behind by the elbows and, without hesitation, carried in the direction of the "plate". Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that he was being carried by unusually tall, over two meters tall, guys in light silver jumpsuits that hugged their bodies like a glove on a hand. Suits without any hints of a seam or a joint passed into helmets that tightly fitted the heads. The faces were protected by transparent glasses.

Unfortunately, Burikov did not give a detailed portrait description of the UFO operators who took him by the elbows. He called them "handsome men with blood-red pupils." Viktor Danilovich was brought into the "plate" and put face down on the floor. There was a barely audible hum. The "plate", according to Burikov's feelings, flew.

It took no more than three or four minutes, Burikov assured his friends later, and then the hum stopped. The elderly journalist was again picked up by the elbows and carried out of the UFO out. Burikov defined the landscape that opened to his gaze as similar to the Caucasian one. Mountain peaks towered around, and a narrow valley ran between them.

A small mountain stream ran through the valley. And there were "flying saucers" sticking out here and there on its shores, a lot of "plates— - seven or eight pieces, like two drops of water similar to the one on which Burikov was brought here, "to the Caucasus". "Martians" in light silver suits wandered between them. One of them approached the journalist and started poking him in the head with some kind of wire twisted by a screw, looking like a corkscrew.

— The feeling was such, - Viktor Burikov told later, - as if the wire penetrated through the frontal bone directly into the brain. At the moments when she touched my forehead, fiery jets pierced my head. Then the old man was dragged back into the "plate" and again, mind you, unceremoniously thrown, still immobilized, face down on the floor.

Less than five minutes later, Viktor Danilovich was standing on all fours in the middle of that cursed clearing from which he had been abducted earlier. He turned his head dazedly, feeling the leaden weight slowly falling off his body. There was a rumble behind him. With considerable difficulty Burikov looked around.

The "flying saucer", pulling in three thin legs - landing supports, slowly took off three meters above the clearing. It hung in the air for a while, and then went up like a candle, disappeared into the sky in a matter of seconds. Viktor Danilovich hobbled away, groaning. All the bones in his senile body ached, a fireball pulsed in his head. Nausea rolled in waves. Neither the next day, nor the week after, nor the month after, did he get better.

Three months later, Viktor Burikov died. Here's what's striking: UFO operators spent no more than fifteen minutes on the entire operation to capture a human individual, deliver it to the base of "flying saucers", study the brain with the help of a "wire" and return the individual to its former place. The pace is such that the impression arises: the alien capture group acted according to a well-developed scenario, using a technique that was probably used by this group (and maybe other similar groups) more than once.


In October 1984, Viktor Burikov from Rostov-on-Don became a victim of aliens. He said that he accidentally stumbled upon a "flying saucer" in the forest. There was an open hatch in her side, from which a short ladder hung to the ground. At the same moment, Victor felt that he could not move. Someone picked him up from behind and carried him to the UFO. The kidnappers were unusually tall, more than two meters tall, creatures in silver tight overalls. Burikov was carried into the "plate" and put face down. There was a barely audible hum that lasted three or four minutes. Then the abducted man was picked up by the arms and carried outside. The landscape that Burikov saw was also similar to the Caucasian one. In a narrow valley through which a shallow mountain river ran, there were seven or eight identical "plates". One of the humanoids began screwing "some kind of corkscrew-like wire" into Victor's head. When the "procedure" was over, Burikov was again laid face down on the floor of the "plate". Less than five minutes have passed. Viktor Danilovich found himself standing on all fours in the middle of the clearing from which he was abducted. This story also ended tragically - Burikov died soon after.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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