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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. Russia

ID #1526367049
Added Tue, 15/05/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
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An eyewitness account:

With her husband we worked weekly. In different shifts on the same textile company. The apartment was small and modest, with a stove in the kitchen, but we liked. The first two weeks everything was fine. Then my husband went on night shift. Then it all started.

One night I was not afraid. Decided to go to a far corner of the room on the couch, head to the window to breathe in the warm may air. In the room there was another bed opposite. Despite the fact that sleep very much, sleep was impossible. It was somehow uncomfortable, uncomfortable. Stuffy, then cold. It is not clear, I slept or not. I thought that the discomfort caused the pregnancy. Hard sleep was possible in the morning, when her husband returned.

The second night started well. I was lying and about something thought. Suddenly I felt cold. He didn't come from Windows, not from the open window. I got up on my feet, then enveloped the whole body. I sat up, wanted to get up and froze: the curtain that hung in the doorway instead of a door, greatly swayed as if a man walked in. For some time I did not stir. Then he pulled himself together, stood up and closed the apartment window, justifying the incident with the draught. Fell asleep again in the morning.

On the third night I decided to leave the night light on in the kitchen. It was disturbing. And lay down on the sofa and on the bed with a good view of the entrance to the room. Thoughts followed each other, I felt sleepy, paralega back and was ready to sleep. Suddenly I felt this weird chill. Peripheral vision noticed that the curtain swayed.

From the entrance in my party went tall and thin male silhouette. Fuzzy, as if in a light haze. Soul sank, I started to look for the switch, which was right over the bed. But that did not get it, then not have enough energy to click on it.

While I was trying to turn on the light, felt like something heavy fell on the edge of the bed, and he fell. To move I couldn't, not shout at it.

— Sasha, you're so soft... then I heard a soft male voice. Then the silhouette stood up and began to leave, and as if dissolved.

For some time I lay without motion, and then not remember anything. I woke up when husband came. Why come Ghost and why did you call me soft? Because of the pregnancy? Aggression on his part was not, and that was somewhat reassuring. But a second visit I would not have endured without consequences... to Tell wife about the incident, I did not. He was skeptical about such things and just could not believe in the reality of what is happening. Although I didn't fully believe what happened to me. Then I remembered that several times seen in the Windows of the neighbors the light from the nightlight, returning late home from work. And rushed to a neighbor. From the doorway I asked Tatiana. We drank tea, I plucked up courage and asked:

— Tatiana, why do you have a night light work? From the street you can see...

To which the neighbor replied:

— When I'm alone at night, it seems to me that in apartment someone goes.

To stay in this house I could no longer. Wait until you Wake up the husband, and went to my mom. She believed me. Said, once something began to speak to me, so it was hell. The mother discussed with her husband the return. Explained that at this time I'd better not stay the same. Yes and after childbirth assistance is absolutely necessary. The real reason is not voiced.

The husband, having noticed my alarm didn't argue and moved things. A few days later I met on the road a former neighbor. On the question of why we left, I shared with him the story. The neighbor wasn't surprised and told me that long ago, when the apartment is handed over to owners, one of them hanged man. The cause was never found.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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