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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Moth Man. United States

ID #1527600494
Added Tue, 29/05/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Нью-Йорк, NY
United States

Acting captain Wilson at the police station, Bronx Park last night asked the superintendent of the Zoological gardens to try to take custody of the big brown "the owl". It is the last three weeks frightened of the police in the dark old Bronx.

For many days it was believed that the winged demon was seen above the old station at the Lorillard Mansion. Police Officer Patrick J. Hickey said it was the worst thing he had ever encountered.

"It's not an owl, said Hickey, is the devil with wings. Of course, I know an owl when I see her, but no one has ever seen the owl with the wings of a width of six feet. And it "s whooo'" like a Ghost in the graveyard, too, when he's not growling under his breath."

Hickey was transferred to Lorillard lane. When he entered the station house and shouted:

"I saw it! She had a stick in its talons, and she was trying to break my head. I had to hide behind a tree. I think that's it's supernatural, that's what I think.

Then a policeman Walter Kane was appointed to the post in this "bad place." And a strange winged creature knocked him the helmet when he patrolled the lane. Police officer Frank Campbell, who was sent to the station, Bronx, Manhattan, has also seen "something strange", which descended from the trees and attacked him. He had not heard about the experiences of other people who have patrulirovanie this place. He just walked to the station and someone scratched his face. So he reflected this in the report:

"Shortly before midnight collided with a dark, flying object with four legs and two wings, the beast attacked me, if it was a beast, and I strayed. Resembles a tall, slender man at times, and sometimes takes the form of a mountain dwarf."

The evening of June 21 Julius Wenche living in Bronxdale, rushed to the police station and screamed for help. He told the Sergeant Appel, who was at the table that he was attacked by something wild, "growled like a tiger".

He said that a strange creature took the young woman who was with him, and asked the police for help. Police Olle and Baker was sent to help the girl, and they found that she runs on Lorian lane, shouting. She explained that the Mare with wings pounced on her and snatched the feathers out of the hat. The policeman returned to the station and reported that it was undoubtedly a great brown owl that frightened of the police in the last three weeks. Acting captain informed the people's Park, the Bronx, and a detachment of men was sent to capture the creature in midnight. The outcome is unknown.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Acting Capt. Wilson of the Bronx Park Police Station last night asked the Superintendent of the Zoological Gardens to try to take into custody a big brown ‘owl’ for which the past three weeks has been scaring the policemen who were assigned to Post 16, which is one of the most lonely posts in the gloomy old Bronx. For many days it was believed that a winged demon had deigned to hover over Post 16, and the policemen who were assigned to duty there came into the old station in the Lorillard Mansion night after night with wonderful tales of what had happened on the hoodoo post. Policeman Patrick J. Hickey said it was the most horrid thing he had ever encountered. “It’s not an owl,” said Hickey, “it’s a devil with wings. Sure I know an owl when I see one, but no man ever seen an owl with wings six feet wide. And it “whooo’s” like a ghost in a graveyard, too, when it’s not growling beneath its breath. Why, men, he’s no owl; he’s a devil; and I’m going to get transferred.” And when Hickey was transferred, a German policeman was assigned to Post No. 16, which takes in Lorillard Lane. The German policeman had only been on the post an hour one night when he came running into the station house and shouted: 

“I seen it! It had a stick on its claw, and it tried to smash my head. When I ducked it ducked, too, and I had to run behind a tree. I think it is supernatural, that’s what I think.”

Then policeman Walter Kane was assigned to the “hoodoo” post, and he got a transfer in a hurry after the strange creature on wings had knocked his helmet off while patrolling the lane. Policeman Frank Campbell, who was sent to the Bronx station from a downtown Manhattan precinct, was on duty on Post 16 only two nights when he encountered “something strange” that flew down from the trees and attacked him. He had not heard of the experiences of the other men who had been on Post 16, but when he entered the station a few nights ago with his face scratched and his helmet battered in, he wrote out this report: 

“Shortly before midnight encountered a dark, flying object with four legs and two wings, the beast attacked me, if it was a beast, and I fought back. Has the resemblance of a tall, slim man at times, and at other times assumes the form of a mountain dwarf.”

Last night (June 21) Julius Wensch who resides at Bronxdale, ran into the police station and shouted for help. He told Sgt. Appel who was at the desk, that he had been attacked by something wild that “yelled like a tiger.” He said the strange thing had carried away a young woman who was in his company, and he asked for police assistance. Policemen Ollet and Baker were sent to rescue the girl, and they found her running through Lorillard Lane screaming. She explained that a wildcat with wings had attacked her and had torn the feathers from her hat. The policeman went back to the station and reported that it was undoubtedly the big brown owl which had been frightening policemen for the past three weeks. The acting Captain notified the Bronx Park folks and a squad of men were sent out to capture the thing at midnight. (No additional information as to what occurred).


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